Survival is the main goal of humanity. Humans have used so much time and resources on building and thinking to protect themselves. So here we are in our comfy houses and cozy rooms. Yet sometimes, your biggest threat of death lurks right besides you… Like your own family. Even at the moment you are reading this blog, a sibling may be hiding behind you to scare you. Or maybe your mom is watching you from outside to talk to you about a low test score. Maybe your phone is ringing insanely from a friend you recently fought with, and your friend has called you to do revenge. Death is lurking around you at this moment, so I’m gonna help you. Survival tactic number one - Winning the sibling.
P.S. For more detail, there is a blog named the sibling dictionary
If you want to not be hurt, you need help. After inflicting pain to your sibling (quietly if possible!), run to your parents. If your parents aren’t there, wait until they come and hurt your sibling when your parents go to another room (sweet sweet revenge) and follow the following steps. If you are in front of a parent, they may notice when your sibling wants to inflict pain on you, and parents will likely scold your sibling for that.
Make the pain
You need to look as hurted as possible so your sibling could look more guilty. Scream at the slightest touch and wail and slightest contact. Make noise. Make pain. Make action. Make drama. Show to your parents aggressively that you are in pain because of your sibling. When your sibling makes noise signaling pain as well, go up to your parents and attract their attention.
The acting
Now, you signaled people that you are hurt, and now it’s time you pretend like you are hurt. If you can, the best action is to cry. Don’t overact! Just a few tears dangling, or a burning red face, or some droopy faces will be good. Focus on the other’s wrong doings, maybe bluffing them a little bit. When your sibling accuses you of your actions, deny them. Make those tears drop, Tone up the red face, and make your face droopier. Show how unfair you feel.
That’s it for today. Survive well.

In VERY small letters: *beware: this is for actors not normal students*