It was a dark and cloudy night. I was peacefully doing my homework. I was just there sitting down peacefully and like a nice child, I was studying hard. Until… my sister came and creaked the door. She was eating ice cream and she was dripping them all over my new carpet!. I screeched at her and she kept bothering me. Also I did nothing to bother my sister. Anyways she kept bothering me to make bread because I like baking. I told her that I was studying and I told her to do the same. But then she wouldn’t stop bugging me. I had enough of her. I suddenly stood up and chased my sister all around the house. My dad was telling us to stop but being stupid me I didn’t listen. Weirdly, he suddenly joined the chase and us three were chasing each other. After we were out of breath, I started doing my homework again. But then someone came in and it was my dad. Suddenly he started bugging me too. I chased him to his room but I tripped. This may seem stupid but I tripped over a plastic air cleaner thing I went sprawling to the floor. It hurt so much I almost blacked out. But then my sister came and helped me up. It was all swollen and bruised and it felt like a hammer. After 1 month it started hurting again and my dad and I went to the doctor and he said that I broke my bone. I was annoyed at my dad for not going to the hospital in the first place. ( We thought it was no big deal. I mean what harm could an air purifier do?) Apparently a lot. The end.
The awful story of how I broke one of my toes
THAT must have hurt a lot😨