Most bears live in nature, free, and wild. They mostly live a very happy life, eating their fill of honey, and fish. They fish, they eat, they rest, and sleep. It’s their life cycle. That was, hundreds, and hundreds of years ago. Some still live like that in nature reserves, but even those aren’t safe for bears. People usually throw garbage on hike roads, and forest floors, thinking, “It wouldn’t matter. Other people will take care of it”. At least most people.
But the bears think that the trash and garbage are food(which are, but very unhealthy), and they eat it. It gives them major tummy aches, and pieces of glass and debris gets stuck in their teeth, which makes them unable to eat any food, and makes them sick. But in most reserves, the park rangers are busy doing other things, like putting out the fires in the forests. But some idiotic and dumb(sorry, I’m being too toxic, even if those kind of park rangers deserve it)park rangers knows about these events, but not even bothers to care for the poor bears. Even worse, barbaric, cruel, evil, and inhumanly, some park rangers use these to attract attention(*to get dirty money*). For example, some really bad park rangers put mountains of trash and garbage to attract bears, and make them fight for food(it actually happened once). I know! It’s so cruel, and those park rangers should go to jail for forever.
Once, these majestic animals were once free, happy, and wild. But now, bears all around the world are suffering. Polar bears are running out of space to live on. The number of pandas are lessening and lessening. Other kinds of bears are being treated cruelly, or being trapped in zoos and circuses. We need to help these poor animals. We need to build protection facilities, and make sure the people do not litter the forest floors where bears live. It’s the same for other animals. Dolphins, for example. But what I’m saying is that we need to try harder to protect these beautiful animals(plural) of earth, before they are truly gone forever. Thank you for listening, and help these poor animals! Goodbye and *PLEASE* try not to eat gummybears!

I'll think about it.