OK, I know what all of you are thinking. You guys are probably saying that “oh, what could be BAD? I mean, we don’t even go to SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We also go on relaxing vacations too! YIPPEE! “ but this isn’t true. There are so many cons of summer break too! Let’s dive in and take a look.
First of all, it is SO hot. When I am walking in the sun I feel like my back is on fire. No, I feel like a marshmallow being COOKED on fire. And if I play out in the sun so much I get TANNED!! I hate that. Back in America, my family and I, during summer break, we would go to the beach or to the pool. And then I get all tanned when I come back. This is the same with here. And our house (apartment) is facing the side in which the sun always comes up that way. So I hate that. Plus, ever since I was a little girl, I used to sweat a lot. So after I played at the playground, my neck was literally wet.
Second, there are so many bugs!!!! And as some of you already know, I HATE bugs. They are the worst thing on the planet. They are so hairy and have so many legs. But the one bug that I hate the most is this one. The all time famous, MOSQUITO. I hate how they suck all your blood out and then it itches so much. Oh, and when it comes into your house, oh, don’t even get me STARTED on that story. It goes bzz-bzz-bzz and when it comes close to my ear, I get goose bumps. But i admit, the mosquito sound is better than Mr.Patrick’s singing. (no offense, Mr.p) and the second flying creature that i hate the most are cicadas. OH MY GOD!!!!!! They are so annoying!! When I try to get some sleep in the morning, they always bzzzzzzzzzzzzzz- and I can't sleep!!!!!!!!!! I want to sleep in on the weekends!
So yeah, that was my opinion during summer break. Sure, there are many pros, but there are even more cons. Hope you guys liked it!

Oh. Vacation=Academy. Now I needa go to an academy, 9~12 almost every day...