WARNING: be4 u read
Please do not take offense if I got this wrong and plz don’t kill me :)
p.s. u guys and gals can edit if i gotnda thing wrong
Intro: Crazy class, you have been warned
Mr. Patrick
Gender: Full grown man
Likes: Blueberry, Muffins, students
Creativity: Making the class fun… except tests
Statement: “Please don’t cross the line”, “Hi everyone!”
Personality: Great teacher(even though that’s not a personality), kind, helpful
Job/Great at: a teacher at Peai, being a fun teacher, just down-right AWESOME
Jake:(Nick: Dolphin)
Gender: Boy
Likes: Dolphins
Creativity: Uniphin-a cute dolphin with wings and a unicorn horn, Unicorn+Dolphin: Uniphin
Statement: “I like dolphins!”, “Dolphins r great!”, “
Personality: calm, I guess, but mostly a cool guy to hang around with: great friend since 2nd grade, for me at least
Hobby/Great at: Drawing(dolphins, bears, etc)being funny, mostly, I think
Gender: Boy
Likes: Dumplings
Creativity: history of Dumplings
Statement: “Whoo hoo!”, “I like dumplings.”
Personality: good buddy to hang around with
Hobby/Great at: loving dumplings
Gender: Boy
Likes: Being a normal kid, probably the normalest(?) of us all
Power: Able to control us, the little kids from fighting, making peaceful solutions
e.g.: stopped the war of Joyce VS Roy in zoom which I definitely wouldn’t have lost, *cough*
Statement: “Guys please stop.”, “STOP FIGHTING!”, “Potter Za Harry”
Personality: mature, able to turn into KT(Kindergarten Teacher, and we are the kindergartners)
Hobby/Great at: remaining calm, even at brink of war and middle of arguing
Sihoo:(Nick: Owl)
Gender: Boy
Likes: Owls, Warriors. HP good stuff
Creativity: Fascinating owl movements
-Dream: Someday flying-still practicing, even now
Statement: Owls rock, Hoot
Personality: Good guy, funny, kind, helpful-being my assistant for the past few classes
Hobby: Learning to fly
Myself, Roy:(Nick: Bear)
Gender: Boy
Likes: Bears, honey, fun, sleep, the STOOL
Creativity: making bear stories and making interesting plays
Statement: “Bears Rock!”, “STOP EATING GUMMYBEARS!”, “GIVE ME BACK MY BAG/THE STOOL, please?”, “Shackamooloolala”
Personality: at least interesting
Hobby: Making blogs, being chaotic, loud, making new words
Ryan:(helped by sihoo)
Gender: boy
Likes:baseball, Lg, lions
Creativity:fascinating lg loving actions, baseball moves
Scary: Becomes the Incredible Ryan when
LG loses
very frustrated
very angry
throws his invincible pencil case on the ground
Ability:able to distract owl and bear with lights
tip: run away
Statement: Lg must win
Gender: Boy
Likes: Swords, weapons, violence, take stuff but gives back, most of the time
Creativity: Making books, making funny but uneasy(?) jokes
Statement: “Pickles are delicious!”, “Pickles and cookies!”, “Mua Ha Ha!”
Personality: Um good guy, kinda evil but is improvising
Hobby/good at: Making all sorts of gizmos also good at english/math, making evil laughs
Julia:(Nick: Dog)
Gender: Girl
Likes: Dogs, dolls
Creativity: making her own YouTube
Statement: “I rock!” “Dogs rule!”
Personality: Competitive about dogs, emotional about dog rights
Hobby/Great at: being a good classmate, liking dogs, making plans
Gender: Girl
Likes: Horses, stealing bags(cough, BOYS’, cough)
Creativity: Interesting and serious blog topics, writing
Statement: “Horses Rock!”, “Ha-HA!”
Personality: sometimes serious, sometimes fun, and a good friend
Hobby: liking horses, making class pictures
Joyce:(Julia helped or gave me the info)
Gender: Girl
Likes:Her big brother, sharps, computers
Creativity:Pig friend (hog friend that eats and is RUDE]
Statement: “Girls rule, boys drool!”, “WE WILL WIN”
(julia wrote NOT me)Personality:kind and sweet but sometimes like a boy. Very competitive and likes to hang out with girls. Really nice person to hang with
Hobby/Great at: Slamming boys with words and/or physical
Emma:[Julia helped me and gave me info, you know what, she basically gave me what to write]
Likes:Just about anything
Creativity:Very good fashion sense. Can make any lame outfit into a party look
Statement: “I can’t see because of your big head” [ps.to Mr.P]
(julia)Personality:really REALLY sweet and kind. Knows how to make friends happy and can gossip REALLY well. Kind of like the sweet popular girl at school
Hobby/Great at: good at picking outfits
Jen: [Julia helped me and gave me info]
(Julia)Likes:snoopy (always wearing snoopy shirts), marvel
Creativity: snoopy shirts and fashion
Personality: Kewl
(sorry, don’t know anything else more, u can tell me latur(?)
