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Writer: ryancho1838ryancho1838

Updated: Feb 27, 2021

Once upon a time, there were three kingdoms named Deserta, Atlantis, and Montibus. Each Kingdom had a leader named Queen Galactica of Deserta, King Stonik of Atlantis and King Thorin of Montibus. There was one evil wizard named Oculus and one kind wizard named Python. Also, there were two dragons named Flame and Glacier. They could turn into other beasts, too. Deserta was mostly plain land. Atlantis was near the sea and had few villages underwater, and Montibus was mostly mountain and forests.

It was a peaceful time, but at the Eastearn side of Deserta, Oculus was forming a plan. He decided to curse Flame under an evil spell and take over Deserta and the other kingdoms, one by one. He knew it was going to be hard but he didn’t lose the thought of being the strongest. He summoned Flame and before he could say anything, he shouted the magic words.

“Ra la Flame da mal um de ruga saura been ya ladoon!”

Flame’s red body turned dark red. He made the dragon die only when the Sword of Sting could kill the creature. The sword of Sting was an ancient sword made by the ancestors of Stonik. It could kill anything, anywhere in the world. It was hidden under the statue of Stonik in the palace of Atlantis. Oculus never thought anyone could find it, but the Atlantean King and Wizard Python were already searching for it.

Meanwhile, Glacier suddenly woke from his nap. An evil power was sensed. He roared and let the sound echo through all Deserta and Atlantis from his cave in Montibus.

A servant next to King Stonik in the Aqua palace tripped at Glacier’s roar and knocked over the statue.

Stonik warned him, “How dare you! Anyway, Python, I think something is wrong. Glacier doesn’t give one of his warning roars… Wait. Python? Python?”

The Wizard’s eyes were focused on the shining blade of the sword of Sting. Stonik recognized it too. He picked it up, looked at it, and sent a signal to Python to go to Glacier’s cave. After a few hours, they arrived.

Python shouted, “Glacier the dragon, I have come with my fellow King Stonik and his guards. What is the meaning of your warning roar?”

Glacier stepped out, “Well my friend, I just flew over Deserta and found Flame under a dark spell. It must be Oculus. As I heard, they are going to launch an attack with a few evil wolverines.”

Python sighed, “Oculus is no good nowadays. We have no way to stop the battle. The good news is that we found the sword of Sting, so there is some hope.”

“Really? That is some good news.” He chuckled. “I will hurry and tell the news to Galactica and Thorin. We must do everything to stop him.”

“Yes, and we will do our best,” Stonik and Python answered.

While Galactica and Thorin were heading to Glacier’s cave for the war plans, Oculus was planning an unexpected strategy. He turned all the trolls to his side. Flame blasted fire on them and they became the “dark” trolls. And the trolls were unusually strong.

“No one shall stop me!!! Mua ha ha ha ha!” That moment, heavy rain came, matching Oculus’ emotions.

Meanwhile, in Glacier’s cave, the three leaders met. Thorin speaked first.

“We have discovered a special type of gem in our mines. We found out that with the gem, we can kill any evil creature, including this new Flame.”

“Good, we will need it.” Galactica said, patiently.

“And we will call our giant hawk friends.” Stonik added.

“And I!” Glacier thundered. “I will use my ice power to freeze them up!”

Python nodded, pleased with what the three leaders have in mind.

He spoke up, “Then, we will attack tomorrow. As we wait more, things might get worse. We need to fight them when their power is the weakest.”

The meeting ended and they decided to meet tomorrow afternoon, a few hours past twelve for battle. The three leaders returned to their territory to train their soldiers.

“I am very worried, Glacier.” Python said in a deep voice.

“Me too, my friend but we still have to stop the evilness conquering our beloved land.” Glacier replied.

“Yes, we must,” He said solemnly.

Oculus was preparing his wolverines and trolls. There was a massive amount. He said to them.

“We are the dark forces. Tomorrow, if you will join me, we will win and conquer the world. Let no one stop us! Ha ha ha!”

And Flame launched a big fire blast that made the sky red for a second. And Python and Glacier’s team didn’t know that they were prepared this much for the battle.

In Deserta, Queen Galactica summoned all the animal friends and a few giants to accompany the journey. The animals got armor, made out of the gem that Montibus found. It was very hard to break. The Queen also prepared her tiger that could fly.

“Oculus, you shall never stop the forces of the three kingdoms!” She echoed.

In Montibus, Thorin ordered the miners to get more of that special gem and make weapons to kill the beast. He told his general to train the montibuns. He wanted his soldiers to have no fear.

Lastly, in Atlantis, Stonik summoned all the giant hawks. And since the Atlanteans were known for their sword-making skills, they made more weapons. Even though preparations were going nicely, the leaders’ eyes were filled with concern.

It was the day of the battle. Before noon, the leaders of the three kingdoms and their armies met. Python and Glacier joined, too. The dragon, their leader, gave a short speech.

“The United Armies of Three Kingdoms, today is the day. Today, our fate will be decided. Whether we disappear or not. We can win. We have a massive army. We have many high-quality weapons. So that is why we have hope and that we will win!” Then Glacier roared and the soldiers cheered.

A few minutes later, Oculus’ army came. There was a massive amount of wolverines and trolls. And they were all big and mighty, not petty. Oculus spoke to the other side.

“Hello, my dear friends. No! Actually enemies. Today I have come to take over the world. I have turned Flame on to my side. So let us fight. We will win!!!!!” And the war began.

The two dragons both roared at the same time. With shouting, the armies and animal and beast allies ran forward. Oculus’ army attacked first. The trolls jumped up really high and stomped, crushing them, and making them fall. The wolverines use their claws to rip them. Luckily, the giants, which were bigger, punched the trolls and threw them to the lake nearby. Splash! Thanks to the giants, the United Armies stepped forward. Even though Glacier was supposed to come in later, he blasted ice, and the first row of the dark army froze.

On the battlefield, the Montibuns were trying to defend their fort. And thanks to the dragon, it worked. And what were the wizards doing? They gave directions.

When the hawks picked up the wolverines, half of them got killed and the other half survived. The trolls? They were going for revenge. They were wrestling with the giants, but were no match for them.

Now, let’s see the leaders. Stonik was clashing his sword, trying to kill the general wolverine. Clang! Clang! He almost got sliced in the arm. Thanks to Galactica’s arrow, the general died. SWOOSH! The wolverines and tigers of Galactica jumped up. They fought like gladiators. ROAR! Sadly, the tigers lost. It was now the dragon's turn. They flied up, and flapped their wings, making a windstorm.

“Ah, Flame, sorry, my brother, but I. Glacier have to kill you.”

“Hah. Not if I kill you first.” Flame said. And that moment, he put his claws through his body and wings. Glacier was falling.

Python hurriedly blasted a green beam at him, curing and upgrading him. Glacier was now furious and bite his tail.

“Now! Thorin!” Glacier shouted.

The Montibus king shot one of his special gem arrows to kill him. And blamo! It got hit just in the heart. He fell, crushing a few trolls with his massive body. Everyone cheered, except for Oculus’ army. Oculus was stunned.

“What the.. How? How could that happen?”

With a lot of hope, the United armies ran faster than before and with their swords in their front, they pierced the wolverines and the trolls. Now, the only one left was Oculus, the troll general and one wolverine.

Glacier didn’t wait. He froze the troll general and the wolverine.

“Python and the three leaders?”

They all nodded and stepped forward. They picked up the extra bows and just before the killing part, they all said one thing.

“For our beloved land’s peace.” And Oculus was finally assassinated.

Everyone cheered. Python said the last words.

“And now,” Python started. “Let us have peace in the three kingdoms!”

Glacier roared in triumph and Python made fireworks. Peace had come again, in the three regions.



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