Sit, children for I shall tell the tale of the mighty Unibear empire. Long before you or I was born, the Bears, led by King HuggybearII, and the Dolphins, led by King UniphinII divided up the earth, land and ocean. Most days, the 2 kingdoms stayed peaceful, only minor skirmishes and fights breaking out in the borders. Until one day. One afternoon, a bear and a dolphin decided to go to Lake Gold, the only place where the 2 kingdoms shared land. Legend said that there was a golden fish in the lake, which could cure all diseases and illnesses when caught. But, it only appeared once in a thousand years or so. And that day, was the day when the 2 animals bent down to lapp from the lake’s edge. Then a shimmer of gold flashed, and the 2 animals saw it at once. The bear dove and caught it, but the dolphin flipper-smacked him and the golden fish escaped into the lake. When the 2 animals reported this to their kings, King HuggybearII declared war on the Dolphins, as King UniphinII declared war on the Bears. The 2 kingdoms gathered its armies and set off for the battle… The battle was harsh. Both the bears and the dolphins were battered. Finally, King UniphinII and King HuggybearII had the final showdown. The duel lasted many hours, until King HuggybearII got his paws around King UniphinII’s waist when King UniphinII got his thorn sharp teeth around King HuggybearII’s neck. Both King’s deaths were gruesome. King UniphinII’s spine snapped as King HuggybearII’s neck was torn out. Both armies retreated, carrying the bodies of their leaders. So then King HuggybearII’s son, Prince HuggybearIII became King HuggybearIII, leader of the Bears. King UniphinII’s son, Prince UniphinIII became King UniphinIII, leader of the Dolphins. The 2 new kings met together at Lake Gold, the only place where blood had not been shed. The 2 Kings decided that the war must not happen again, and so, the 2 Kings came together as fellow Emperors of the Unibear Empire, creating a law that all bears and dolphins had equal rights to become a Unibearian. And that, children, is how we come to be now. The End.
