*This is only for people who read this book. Because if you didn't it's going to be very hard to follow along and I don't want to explain. It's complicated. Anyways, yeah ^^*
I love how it was twisted in the first. It's not Katniss's name that comes out, but Prim's. It's really great to read how much shock Katniss gets, basically, her reaction is so real, like the description is absolutely amazing. Also, it has a lot of great shockers. Johanna and Finnick are actually on her side, Mags just kills herself, along with the morphing from 6. This is minor, but still, it has a great influence on the flow of the story.
This is what I thought. I thought that Prim wouldn't die. The whole revolution started with her, basically because of her. It makes no sense for her to die, but she does. The scene that she dies in is so dramatic, with her mouthing "katniss" as her last word. I also thought that Katniss would marry Gale. I mean, Peeta is nice and all, but Gale and Katniss have a bond for about 5 years. But well, maybe Katniss didn't forgive Gale for (accidentally) killing Prim. Oh, and I really believed/wanted Finnick to live. He deserves it! And now, he just gets ripped apart by man-lizards.
The Hunger Games are so realistic. No one is immune. Like, in the movies, the enemy stays down after like, 1 bullet, but the main character gets shot 5 times but still lives. But in the Hunger Games, Katniss gets shot, Boggs dies, even finnick and prim.
Overall, the book was amazing. So many surprises, betrayals, and more. I'm so glad that it's on the PEAI 6th-grade reading list. (TMI) Do you know that there are 4 books in the whole series? I have all 4 ^^

I agree. The Hunger Games is one of my top fav books, following PJO and HOO
I have Catching Fire and Mocking Jay too