The Internet is very widespread these days, (why am I using a former vocab word?) and is used by A Lot of people. In fact, me writing this post, and you, reading this post are using the internet. (though i doubt if anyone is). It’s appearance brought both positive and negative effects.
One of the positive effects is that because the internet has a lot of information, and by what I mean a lot, I mean really a lot, literally everything that humans know. Furthermore, it can be seen anywhere, as long as you have a digital device with you.
Furthermore, the world became safer. Let's say you are in the house alone. And an earthquake happened. Using the internet, you can see what to do, where to go, etcetera, etcetera.
Another positive effect is that freedom of speech became stronger. There is no need to reveal your name on the internet, so even if you say something badmouthing the dictator(if there is one) , you can be safe.
However, the thing above can also be bad. Dictators are bad, but some not bad people can be bad mouthed too, and the people that did it will not be caught.
Not only mental problems, physical problems come. Eyesight decline. Obesity. All of these follow.
Therefore, The internet has a lot of cons and pros.