Legend foretold of three relics, the force-inater, a glove known to control the universe, the destroy-inater, a sleigh that had many super gadgets, and the speed-inater, a hat which was said to kill all your enemies. These super weapons were created along with time itself, at the ancient and powerful Christmas tree. This tree is the root of the relics, and myths said that whoever brings it too the Christmas tree and whispers the magic rhyme shall have invincibility:
I have seeked the power of three,
I stand before you, the Christmas tree,
Was I foolish to trust this one,
Or will I yield the Arctic’s sun,
I declare all presents gone,
A painting with no pictures drawn,
All the laughing, fun, and feasts,
Will be all eaten by the beasts,
Christmas is to end,
There will be no presents to send,
O Christmas tree,
Grant me invincibility!
Current status: The world is ruled by Santa, who overthrew king Power III. He yields the relics and is currently fighting rebellions.
Once upon a time, there was a young king named Power IIII. He was very young, only 10 years old! Despite his age, he was very smart and wise. He knew that the world in its current state will not do. A decade ago, Santa Klaus unmasked himself as an evil and powerful villain. He had collected the three relics that granted him invincibility, and he also built himself an army of icemen, snow men made with ice, and armed with unbreakable icicles. But Power had a plan. He first raided the armory, which was very easy, since it was in the middle of the street, guarded by only two polar bears. Using a feeble sword, he barley slayed them. He got into the armory and took an icicle sword and thick snow-mail, a hail shield, and a ice helmet. He disguised himself as a solider and snuck into the palace. There he hid inside a cupboard until night. There he pretended to be on nightshift and found his way into the place Santa hides his relics. He just grabbed the force-inater when a huge alarm went off. Power grabbed the relic and took off. Thousands of soldiers followed, but Power put the glove on and waved a hand. Instantly, hundreds went flying. Power snapped his fingers and vanished into thin air. He teleported to his house and planned to break back in. But when he went to see the castle, he saw that a force field had been put around the palace. He saw that Santa himself, fuming was sitting in his sleigh, the destroy-inater, which was powering the shield. Then, the observant young boy saw that the ground was open. He closed his fist and the ground below him gave way. He tunneled through the ground and right to the palace. But when he reached the relic`s room, he had a nasty surprise. Santa was standing right in front of him, wearing the speed-inater. “I knew you would be here, so I left my sleigh to finish you” he snarled. A beam of energy shot from the center of the hat. Power quickly clapped his hands once and a shield appeared- just in time. Santa was furious! He kept shooting beams, but they were all blocked, deflected, or dodged. Santa closed his eyes and concentrated. Instantly, the world around them moved! The glass twisted and turned, and the bricks wobbled like jelly. The dimension around Power weaved and stitched into a bind and trapped Power. The world around them was pitch-black. “You see this, boy! This is the power of the relics! You cannot control them, but since you are truly irresponsible and annoying, I will prove it! Santa yelled. Power grinned and said, “You`re forgetting one thing. I have a relic as well!”. With that, Power flicked a finger, and the bonds came loose. Then he put his hands on the ground and pressed it hard, and the dimension returned to normal. He punched Santa and quickly took the speed-inater. Then Santa summoned his sleigh. He tried his best to win, but two relics against one was too hard. Santa got hit by a beam of energy and fell of the sleigh and died. Soon the world was returned to normal and Power became king of the royal bloodline.