Hello everyone, nice to be writing an essay on Buddha's day. Yay ^^. Anyways today I was trying to find a very fun story to tell everyone so I came up with an idea. So starting right now I will tell everyone about the story of the moving barbie doll that actually happened to me. So when I was 4 or 5 I was obsessed with barbie dolls. Every time I could get a gift I would make my parents or friends get me a barbie doll. So back to the story one day in America little 5 year old me was on the couch slurping an ice cream cone. I was really bored so I turned on the television. A really fun show was on so I tried to watch it but my mom was cleaning with a vacuum cleaner and I couldn't hear ANYTHING in the show. So, after a while of trying to enjoy the show I gave up and went to my room to get my barbie dolls. (As I said when I was 5 I loved barbie dolls so I had a barbie dream house.). I was walking towards my room up the stairs when the vacuum cleaner sound faded away. The sound was like an echo slowly fading away. I could hear nothing. Now, the old me would have just walked away suddenly freaked out but of course the young me had no fear and just kept on walking. And then my sight became kind of blurry and I could hear myself breathing like in a movie. My dream was to be a movie actor when I was young so I pretended I was a spy. I walked on my tippy toes and even though my feet hurt I kept on walking. And then I peeked through my room over the door but the moment I did I felt like something was wrong. I didn’t know exactly what so I went closer and I could see the dolls in the dream house literally NO JOKE MOVING. That’s when I freaked out and screamed as loud as any 5 year old can (which is pretty loud). I recall that I screamed until my neck went all dry and I could taste blood. When I was screaming the barbie dolls all at once turned their heads TOWARD ME and laughed really horribly (kinda like a psycho would). I went absurd. I cried and screamed and wobbled, every inch of my body would not follow my orders. I ran down the staircase and ran to my mom and held to her apron. But she said she never heard me scream or cry. The most scary thing is that 2 days after the day I just described, I was watching youtube and suddenly a scary video of a barbie's head being pulled off was shown. I was totally freaked out and got rid of all my barbies. So that was my story of how I saw moving dolls. Thank you.

THAT IS CREEPY!!! And so is that picture of the... smiling Barbie with such realistic teeth!😱