Laws are abstract. Way too abstract. It's like a pile of homework that you promise yourself to get away with, but you get lazy and mix up the piles and end up taking your half done english homework to your math academy. As much as abstract as the law is, it is ever so vital to a society. They make rules and lines for people to not cross, so that peace and justice could be preserved, making an organized society. Yet it is so hard to make laws, which is why the korean law, international laws, and other country laws are quite flawed. So I have one simple suggestion to add on to the korean law for the field of criminality.
Please. Oh please. Let’s make laws much more strict to criminals. The part of crime I want to focus the most on are abuses and assaults. In other countries, like the US, if you assault another adult or child, at most, you can get a sentence of 300 years, very possibly. In South korea? A few decades are considered long. In other countries, like the US, programs for the victims of these assaults and abuse crimes are common. One example is the RAINN organization, which prevents physical assault crimes, penalties for the criminals and more. Organizations like RAINN are pretty well known and similar organizations like the National Children's Alliance (NCA), National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA), Prevent Child Abuse America fund for the recover of the victims and come up with new ways to prevent further crimes and study the feild of crime for greater effect. In Korea? We barely give the amount of financial support the victim needs? Can’t we change the laws to be harsher to criminals for the good of the rest of the society, or at least pay for a few dollars for a victim's burned down house or mental therapy classes.
Korea was the poorest country in the world, worse than Africa. We were mocked as the worst country in the world. The streets were filled with garbage, and many starved to death. That was a scene from about 6 decades ago. Now look. South Korea is a place of prosperity. Others praise us as one of the most wealthy countries in the world. The streets are filled with high buildings, and people are gobbling on stacks of food. This magnificent change proves and shows all of us that anything is possible in this country. So I believe that one day, the people of South korea, smart and brave, could help to develop the laws of South korea.

hey 300 years?
your body will rot