Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful young woman named Ursa, or bear in Latin. Ursa was the daughter of the god of animals, who was always busy working about godly stuff. Ursa was very famous for her beautiful and silky chocolate brown hair. But Ursa was no pushover. She was as ferocious and brave as a well-trained soldier, with great skills in fighting, sports, and more. Ursa was at times as cuddly and nice as a little fuzzy doll, which was how the prince of Raumaina fell in love with her. The prince of Raumaina, Jacob was actually the half brother of Delphius (Go check out origin of dolphins), who was engaged to Sophia, who was close friends with Ursa. The prince of Raumaina desperately wanted to marry Ursa, but Ursa was already engaged to Nate. But Jacob wanted to kidnap Ursa if necessary to marry her. Jacob was that desperate.
One day, news came in that Sophia and Delphius died, and became the first dolphins to ever exist. Ursa was so sad of the loss that she moaned for days. But rather than moan for his brother’s loss, cold hearted Jacob came up with a plan to marry Ursa, or in other words, kidnap her. The plan was simple; To make Ursa come to Raumaina, Jacob would open a national funeral in Raumaina and invite Ursa to the funeral. Ursa’s Mother, the god of animals, was busy and not around to protect Ursa. The perfect timing. Ursa knew that the funeral was part of Jacob’s plan, but as a close friend, Ursa found it rude to be unpresented at Sophia’s funeral. But Ursa didn’t want to marry Jacob either. So Ursa hired 300 soldiers to go with her, in case Jacob tried to kidnap her for marriage.
As soon as Ursa entered the castle of Raumaina as tall as the sky and as strong as diamond, 300 soldiers of Jacob were waiting in line, with one order to follow; kidnap Ursa. Everybody, including Jacob, fought hard. Blood squirted everywhere, and wounded soldiers limped away from the scene. It was absolute chaos. Nobody died, though, or got a serious injury. Hurting the other wasn’t the goal. Kidnapping a young woman was. During the fight, Jacob, now blinded by greed, threw his spear in the air, which stabbed Ursa in the chest. Jacob immediately took Ursa to his castle, trying to cure her desperately. Jacob then suddenly came up with an idea. He spoke to Ursa, “Look, if you promise to marry me, I will cure you. If not, I will let you rot to death. You only got a few minutes left. Gotta choose quickly.” But Ursa had no idea to step behind. “I could never marry you Jacob. Even if I die.”
Then, Ursa’s mother who heard of the news rushed over to Ursa, who was now too hurt to be cured, even with godly powers. Before her death, Ursa had one wish for her mother. “Mother, may I have one delicious honey tuna sandwich you used to make me in the old days? I loved them dearly.” But before Ursa’s mother could even finish the sandwich, Ursa was only left with a few seconds of life. Ursa’s mother quickly transformed her daughter into a new creature so that Ursa can live on. It was a creature as cute and cuddly, and as ferocious and brave as Ursa in her past life. It had beautiful chocolate brown fur, like the beautiful hair Ursa had before. She had become the very first bear. Ursa’s mother fed her transformed daughter the sandwich she asked for. The bear smiled and walked away from the castle to her fiance, Nate’s house. Before Ursa’s mother followed Ursa, she had Jacob killed for his crime. Ursa’s mother explained the situation to Nate and told him that if he wanted to follow Ursa, he should eat a magical honey tuna sandwich in her hands. With no hesitation, Nate gobbled up the sandwich in one bite and became the very first male bear to live. And today, Ursa’s children lurk around us.
But the next time you see a bear, don’t think of them as a cute cuddly creature but once a brave and young woman.
