You guys will all know that I love dumplings. Or maybe you don't know. If you don't I will tell you now. I love dumplings-all kinds of them. However, aren't you curious about the origin of dumplings? I will today tell you about that. Once upon a time, no no no centuries before, there was a kid named Ricky. Ricky was a good-natured boy, but only had one problem. That is about his IQ. His IQ was exceptionally low that he couldn't even spell. He had lots of grammer mistakes and was a dumb person. That time, there was a potion that made a person smarter. However, the scientists making the potion weren't even sure that the potion will really work. Eventually, they tolled people that they will scout a person to get experimented by the potion. Ricky also got to hear that and he went to the scientists and told them that he wanted to get smarter. The scientists told him that they will begin right now. They also told Ricky to make a diary because they wanted to check if he was improving. This is some of his diary.
Marh 25th
To diary, my name is Ricky Gorilla Chunks. I will get experimunted by a group of pepul. I herd that they wure sciuntists. The topik of the experimunt is about gettin smurtur. I aksed them will I get smurtuer buy the end of the experimunt. They said we hope so. The operashun of the experiment begins today. And boy, I am surprised by the amount of the things they have in the lab place The pepul their told me to lay down at a bed their and make urselv very comphy. I listen to them and laid down. They covered my eyes with bandadges and maked me drink a kup of wutur witch made me feel sleepy. I guess the operashun begins when I am sleeping. After about a few ours, I guess, they wok me up. They said don't take off the bandages off, Ricky becuse the first surgury is finished. Now, you mite aske how did I wrote dis long while a had bandages on my eyes. The answear of that questiun is that I wrote this after all the operashun.
This is some of the diary. In the diary, it didn't tell you much about Ricky. If I tell you more about Ricky, there's one more thing. Ricky's dream is to be a famous chef. After all the operation and the very hard stuff was all gone, Ricky became a very well-known chef as he dreamed of. One day, he saw his face one the mirror and just for fun, he made a face shape which was made out of flour. He baked that in the oven and he ate it. He thought that that food needed some meat and some vegetables. He put those fancy recipes inside that food and called that food dumpling because it looked as if it has dimples and changed the name a bit. He sell that food to people and it turned out that they actually loved it. And that's the origin of dumplings.

I would kill for a dumpling right now🤤