It had been the owl’s dream to fly, since he was young. He practiced flying everyday in his life, but he could only fly(cough, jump, cough) for about 2.34691 seconds. But finally, one day, his chance came. He had the chance to join… The D*b**e Competition.
Ok, going into reality here, I said that Sihoo flew, in zoom class. It is slightly true.
-going back to a little tiny bit dramatic point of view-
The young owl joined the crew of the trusty ship, “No Name(sponsored by”. The crew of “No Name”, faced their first challenge, against the Catch The Bait. We battled fiercely(with a certain R** force-stuck in da corner), and we somehow won! The owl was happy(wow this sounds like the english textbook in school *cringe*). He boarded The Donut Express, which is a plane, not a train, that was powered by R*y, and flew for about 15 seconds. Then The Donut Express powered by R*y collapsed and needed repairs.
No Name faced a greater challenge yet, The Debatman. They were a mean, tough team, but we won easily(hm…). The owl flies again, driving the Donut Express through the sky, for 9.23421 seconds. The plane powered by R*y needed a break at that point.
It was time for the last challenge, against “... uh i forgot the name, someone plz say it in the chat”. We won, no surprise. The Donut express went for one last flight. The owl was joyful. The Donut express powered by R*y finally broke down for scrap. The owl had got everything he ever wanted… a shiny medal.. a shiny certificate… a solo flight of the ages.
Spoiler: The owl is our good friend sihoo.

the last taeam was the athenas