Chole was rich. Not just rich, but filthy rich. She had a 200 acres mansion with all these fancy maids in each of the rooms. Her father was a famous businessman, because he owned the company that made computers. His great great great grandfather was the exact person who made the computer so it passed on and on. Chloe had everything except one thing, her mother. Her mother died when she was just a new born baby so she didn’t know her. Chole might have seemed like an ordinary teenager. Well, if you don’t count the 15 body guards, a fancy dog with a diamond collar and clothes all from gucci. But that wasn’t all she had two voices. Pause and stop moving around while reading this pay attention. This is where it gets real real deep, Chloe had one voice obviously hers and also one in her brain. She didn’t know who's voice it was or even if it was a person. But this happened after the accident she had in her private helicopter. The voice was really annoying and loud but sometimes it was helpful. But the weirder thing about the voice, was that whatever it said came true. To be continued……..
The rich girl
Jen, no offense, but your stories are getting sort of creepy. Like Last time with the hanged dummies? That was just scary, no offense.