Happy was very confused. What did he mean by dangerous. He always knew the mean police officer was well, mean but he never thought that he was well a dangerous person. The mean police officer ended his call and almost saw Happy when Happy ran to the police. When the mean police came he went into his room without talking to anyone. Happy was suspicious of the mean police’s intentions. He went to the other police officers and tried to point out that maybe the mean police officer was dangerous. But the police officers just patted him and laughed. Happy was furious. It was time to take matters into his own hands. After a few days Happy started following the mean police everywhere. The more Happy followed, the more Happy learned about the mean police. He was actually a criminal who escaped from prison a few years ago and became corrupted with money. Again. One day the police officer was acting suspicious and avoided all the police’s gaze. Stealthily, Happy followed the mean police into an abandoned building. There Happy saw the police having an evil cackle with the bad guys. He charged into a bad guy and bit his leg. The bad guys took out a knife and stabbed him. Happy suddenly fell down. He thought it was his last moment. Then suddenly his fur disappeared and he grew into a person again. Happy captured the bad guys and lived happily fighting crime after.
The secret CIA agent 2