(Many parts are cut because it's so long. For people who knows this, please do not comment about things that were cut. PLEASE!)
So, it was a peaceful day, a few days ago. I went into my Gmail 'cause I check it every day. No inbox. Fantastic. So, I went into the Hangouts, and said 'Hi.' When Joyce was there and we started talking. Here's the main cause; we started talking about Gummy Bears. I talked about how "Whoever made Gummy Bears is a GENIUS."(I don't think like that now, I'm keeping the Treaty.)This was a big mistake. The next day, as always, I checked my Gmail, and found out the fact that Roy found out 'the talk.' It turned out Joyce told to Roy. Roy was more disappointed than I thought he would be. Even though I say sorry with my heart, and I was wrong, he did not approve. And it came down to Roy declaring WAR on me. It was chaos. I was like 'What?..." While Joyce slid naturally into Roy's side. Turns out Roy helped Joyce out with her homework when she did it wrong like 4 times. And the two started being toxic to me. Well, not even Curses(even though nobody said one to me) didn't give much impact to me when I was trying to be offended, but words in groups... The ones that hurt were the ones that touched my inner side, my opinions. I really couldn't say anything, it was 2 vs 1. Well, at least I wasn't a cry baby, but was offended by some words, so I decided to leaving the Hangout Chat. After that, I was invited again. I calmed myself and went in. I checked out the past chats. Turns out Stella came, saw the whole thing, and said she was worried(thanks Stella). Well, I came in back and there was another fight, and I slept just trying to forget it. We fought again the next day. I was mad about this whole thing, and I also got a short headache. I was kicked out once, By who knows, Joyce or Roy, and Joyce was also kicked from the chats by me. She was really mad. Well, I didn't come to PEAI the next day. That lead to some messages from our classmates, (thank you!) coming yesterday and Today. Yes, Today was the last day. What happened? Well Roy decided he will bring our 3-year long friendship back, and me and Roy signed a treaty. The Treaty was;
Dolphin will agree that Bears and Dolphins are equally great, but bears are better in many ways.
Dolphin will vow to never eat a gummy bear again, or even think about doing it.
3. Dolphin will be on the revolutionary’s side.
I signed. So that was the end of the War. Happy ending, huh. Me and Roy became Buddies again(Unibear!). Julia also came and checked out. I dunno what happened to Joyce, I never got any news from her through Gmail.
-The End-
P.S: Thank you again for all the classmates in our class that worried for me! I'm okay now. I'm feeling Great!