By Emma Kim
Chapter 1
The story of the crazy pizza place
Once upon a time, there was an old pizza place that nobody went to because the chef was a crazy liar. Also because their pizza was horrible. One day, the chef put on his webcast and put up a blog post saying that his restaurant had pizza that had marshmallows and chocolate syrup all over it. All of the people that read his blog post rushed to his restaurant. When they realized that the chef was lying, they became very angry and left. They promised never to come again. The chef stood silently. He knew what he had done wrong. But then suddenly this man came up to him and said; “can you make me an alive pizza?” then the man left.
Chapter 2
The problem
The chef just stood there thinking. “How shall I make an alive pizza?”He opened this ingredient cabinet and found this dusty potion that he'd never seen before. He blew on it and read what it said. “Pizza = life.” so the chef thought that this was the potion to make pizzas come to life. So he took a pizza and put the potion on it. And then he put it in the oven. When he took the pizza out of the oven, the pizza had eyes, legs and even a mouth.the pizza opened his eyes and said,
“hello! FINALLY!! After being stuck inside a potion for more than a century, now i can take over the whole world!!!!!!!”
“not so fast!” said the chef. “ you were ordered from a man.”
“who told you?” rudely said the pizza. And then it ran out of there grabbing that potion.
“Hey! That’s not yours! Get back here!” but the chef was way too late.
Chapter 3
The walking talking pizza is lost
“Oh no!” What shall i do!???” said the chef. “I've got to figure out how to get that darn pizza back.” just then, a big sound came from out the window.
“Mwa ha ha ha!”
“What was that????”asked the chef to himself. He peeked out of the window. The pizza was on a huge dinosaur. The chef shouted,
“ where in the world did you get that Dino? They died thousands of years ago!”
“ i stole it from the museum by pouring the potion on it.” And in a blink of a second, the pizza disappeared.
Chapter 4
The chef went back into the kitchen mumbling; “i hate that pizza! I hate that pizza!!!!” but when he went in, there was a man standing there. The man said,
“I know how to get rid of that pizza.listen closely. You have to feed the pizza another pizza in order to get rid of it. There is no other way. “ and then the man just left. The chef wondered, “how is a pizza going to eat another pizza?” but then he got an idea.
Chapter 5
Brothers and sisters
The chef started cooking and sang a song. “ROLL SOME CHEESE, PUT SOME TOMATO SAUCE, PUT OLIVES AND PUT IT IN THE OVEN!!!!!”
Then the chef heard a bunch of noises coming from outside. The pizza had more than 100s of pizzas with it. It said,
“Brothers and sisters, before we take over the world, let’s find something to eat!!!!!!!”
When the chef heard this, he was delighted.
Chapter 6
The happy ending
The chef went outside.
The head pizza said,
“What do you want, old GRANDPA???!!!”
The chef said, “hey everyone, I made a big pizza just for you guys!!!!”
They all cheered. And so, they all ate happily and then disappeared one by one. However, the head pizza did not. It looked so sad. The chef asked what was wrong and then the pizza said that it was fun being alive and it doesn’t want to disappear. So the chef said,
“ OK. Then i will not feed you the pizza. In return, will you be my assistant when i cook????”
The pizza replied, “really??? Thanks grandpa- er… I mean Mr.chef.”
And so the chef promised never to lie so much and the pizza promised never to take over the world. So now lots of people come to the not-so-crazy pizza place.
The End
That is so fun!🌸