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Part one: the first quest

Okay, so the reason I am writing this book right now is because Luna forced me to. She says we should talk about the ‘adventures of a lifetime’ and blah, blah, blah. My name is Jack Tews, and my sister is Luna.

And now I, Luna will take over writing because Jack is doing too much of his ‘stalling’ technique. Whatever. Now he`s on the ground, groaning like I punched him in the gut. Which I did. Anyway, it all started in a school in Madison Wisconsin. It was called, Eye Point Punching School. Who names their school like that? Anyway, we were not even there. We were taking a field trip to the Smithsonian. We listened to the guide talk non-stop about herbivores and carnivores and stuff like that. I call it boring. Jack calls it ‘educational’. Nerd. So naturally, I pretended to go to the bathroom, and I went to the snack bar. I was just about to order my pickles with cookies when I saw it. In the middle of the bar, was a person. Other people swerved at least a meter of him like he was a blazing fire. His eyes seemed to glare at me. Once I got my snack, I went around to find a table. But they were all taken. The only table left was right next to Mr. Scary. I went over asked “Would you mind if I sat here?” “Of course, sweetheart. In fact, I`ll love it if you sat here.” He said. His voice was raspy, with no sarcasm, but I sensed he didn`t really like me. But I could not resist a nice, steaming pickle with a cookie, right? So, I sat down and began to eat. Suddenly, I saw something that made me almost scream. The man`s face turned momentarily into a skull, and he seemed to have long, sharp teeth like those of a wolverine`s. Before I could decide I had seen that I heard Mr. Vananberg`s voice. “Luna? What are you doing? Sneaking off! I should give you a week of detention!” Yeah right. Like detention would even matter. Right then, I saw the man next to me turn into a skeleton. But he wasn`t a human skeleton. He had the fangs of a wolverine, the claws of a panther, and he had thick horns. Mr. Vananberg walked fearlessly to him. He tapped his ring, a beautiful ring of gold, diamond, and titanium. The ring turned into a double-edged sword decorated with gold and diamond chips. “Good morning, king Tut, are you out for the chips?” He asked calmly. “You know why. Now get out of here before I destroy you as well” The skeleton rasped. “I`m afraid not. All nomads shall come to Snow Fort for protection.” Nomads? I vaguely remembered that nomads were travelers, but I had a home. Then, my teacher swung the sword. It struck the skeleton on the rib. “Go, Luna, before he reforms!” Sure enough, the broken bones slowly started to stick back together. I ran back to the guide. I had a feeling that I would be safe there. Yeah, right. I saw the skeleton move forward, dueling Mr. Vananberg. I grabbed Jack and took off.

Oh, finally, I get to write. Okay so technically, Luna is five minutes younger than me, but she bosses me around. So, when she started pulling me along, I had to follow. She got to the bus, and she did something that nearly made me faint. She started to drive the bus! Somehow, she got to press the brake and the wheels, I could see she typed in ‘Snow Fort’ in the GPS. What in the world was Snow Fort? The GPS rattled, and before my eyes, began to turn into a portal. “Wait, where are we-” I never got to finish my sentence, because then there was a bright flash, and all I could see were huge pieces of light as we swirled around and around. We reappeared in front of a large dome, made of glistening titanium. And we reappeared just in time for monsters.

There was a roar behind us, and we turned to see a huge serpent slithering up to us. I caught my breath. I turned to see Jack. He was as shocked as I was. The snake opened its mouth, probably to kill us, when the beatings of drums sounded. An arrow whizzed past us and struck the thing. A dozen kids charged out and pulverized the poor snake. “Hello, I am Joe” One said. “This is Snow Fort. Welcome!”

So, when you think of a fort, you probably think of a castle with walls of stone and knights everywhere. You would never imagine a metal igloo. Luna and I went in as one of the bricks opened. “So, these guys here are nomads?” I asked. Joe turned. “What do you know about the ancient mesopotamia?” He asked. “Well, it`s between the Tigris and the Euphrates. Sumer was the first urban civilization.” Joe nodded. “Oh, man what do we have here?” a voice roared. I turned to see a boy. He looked just like those kids’ teachers would peg as bullies. He was a five feet tall, with muscles strong enough to smash a boulder in half. “Carson, come on! They just got here!” Joe said. “Exactly. I heard newbies have some cash. There is this new store I want a cookie from.” “No” I said. “No? Well, I`m not asking.” He grabbed at me. And there I was, thrashing and kicking, a foot from the ground. “I don`t know about you, punk, but no one says no to me and lives to tell the tale.” He raised his fist, and I saw that it was capped with steel spikes. I thought to myself, ‘I did not survive a snake to end like this,’ He punched. But his fist went right through me. His hand holding me up simply didn`t hold on. He kicked me and punched me, but all the attacks went through me. So, I launched a punch of my own. I willed my fist to turn solid as it hit Carson, and he doubled over. He was fuming. “Your dead, punk. I`ll rip you for this.” Then he went off. My sister and Joe were looking at me, opened mouthed.

So, my brother can turn into any element of any sort. Hurray. So, Joe showed us the playground, which I thought was inappropriate, because the monkey bars moved, grew spikes, the slide was ended in an acid pool, and the swing swung to the speed of sound. He introduced me to the kid in charge. He was a teenager, a boy. He wore black robes, and he held a long, wooden pole. “That`s Evan Roe.” Joe told us. Evan gave a shallow bow to us. “Hello, Luna and Jack. We were hoping you would survive. Come, I would show you your past.” He walked into a dark room. Suddenly, a bright orange blast lit the room. Evan had made a line of orange sparks. “In the land of ancient Mesopotamia, there was many civilizations. Sumer was the first. You were not born in this age. A long time ago, dinosaurs roamed the land. When the age of them ended, some survived. They became known as monsters. They hunted the new beings of this planet-humans. Some of them had many special powers. The few of those who had power and luck made a time portal. They came to the place where their kind ruled the earth. You people are one of them. You are not orphans, just your parents are a few thousand years older than you.” “But that`s crazy, there are no records of any of this.” “No, but they are mysteries. The land of Mohenjo-Daro, where people flourished, was suddenly destroyed of life. People were flattened on the streets; the roofs were ripped off. Do you think some natural disaster could have been so accurate? No, it is the Shellripper, the most powerful monster of all.” My head was spinning. How could such powerful beings exist? I looked over and saw that my brother was having the same feeling as me. But Evan wasn`t done. “These monsters still exist, forced to the many corners of this earth. But unfortunately, they are not the only ones to stir. Some evil force is stirring the dead, you met king Tut of Egypt. Many say it was tomb raiders who stole the body of him, but now I suspect that another soul could have occupied it for so long. Whichever things may be, the soul who uses the pharaoh’s body is a powerful force. It has eaten the souls of others, and only a spirit of pure evil and power could do this act.”

“This is what I believe to help you the most.” Evan said. He took out a bracelet. “Uh… thanks?” Luna said. “Tap it.” Evan invited. She did. The small bracelet shimmered into a sword. “This is multi-titanium. It can only be heated in the center of the sun, and even so, can only be hammered with the pressure of a hundred pyramids.” He gave me a small bottle of water. I was thirsty, so I screwed of the lid to take a drink. The bottle turned into a meter of brown metal. “This is silt iron. With a single scratch of the blade, it can turn any living being into silt.” He said. “Now let`s go outside.” When we got outside, we heard screaming. A black, wispy figure glided over. He wore a black cloak, had no eyes, no feet, and his cloak sleeves floated without arms. I knew that that was a ghost. Evan confronted the thing, without even his pole. He raised his hand. Orange energy came from it, trapping the thing. Then the origami began to tighten, until the spirit vanished. “How did the soul of Alexander the Great come here?” Then, the metal dome opened. Mr. Vananberg walked to us. “Hello, kids. I saved your life.” He said. Then he began to change. From a man in an Italian silk suit with a necktie, he turned into a lion. At least, partial lion. His head was a tiger, with a lion`s mane around it. His body was a panther, and he had the tail of a scorpion. He had leathery wings that looked like a bat`s. He roared. It was a booming sound, something like a sound of a thundering truck times a thousand. I drew my sword, and saw Luna did the same. “I am not here to hurt you.” He said. “I am here to defend you. The ghost came here by mistake.” “How can we trust you?” I asked. “Because I saved your life.” He said. As to prove it, a dragon the size of a skyscraper came down. It roared. Joe leaned closer. “That`s a baby Shellripper. Maybe a few days old.” The thing heard Joe and was offended. He looked like a flat turtle, with horns and teeth the size of cars. It let out his blast. We closed the door- just in time. I looked out the multi-titanium coated window and saw blue balls of energy the size of Snow Fort blast into us. It hit every time, and the base began to rattle. “It`s a really fierce baby!” Luna said. “Nah, it`s just playing.” Joe said. Mr. Vananberg- I guess roared and lunged out of the emergency break. He jumped to the dragon`s eye and began to claw his face. The thing roared and shook my teacher off. Then he scampered away, into the forest that only came up to its feet. Mr. Vananberg turned back into a human and said, “There’s a lot more of that were it came from.” My head was spinning. “So… where are we?” I asked. “We are in the place between space. If you look to your left, you will see a desert, to the right, a snow dune.” Sure enough, divided by the forest by the desert by a pile of rocks. “So… can I have a real bottle of water?” I asked again.

You might expect a place full of kids with superpowers to learn about how to kill monsters and do cool stuff like wrestle with tigers. The truth is it`s just like a regular school. Our typical class is math, history, recess, spelling, science, magic, recess, and PE. Only recess and magic and PE are fun. In recess, we get to go to that cool playground. The ground around it caves in and it turns into lava. In magic class, we get to practice on certain things, like making pickles explode of getting lions to sleep. PE is the best. We do archery, dodgeball, and duels. I stink at archery. I tried shooting the target, and the arrow didn`t even get in a foot of it. But Joe was incredible. He could shoot the bull`s eye two hundred meters away blindfolded. I know dodgeball sounds boring, but the balls explode. So, to not die, you need to dodge of catch the ball. Dueling was the best. Today, I dueled with a guy named Julian. He was the same age as me, a few centimeters taller, and he had this nice aura around him. He was kind, sharing, and considerate. “Don`t make that fool you.” The dude who fought Julian yesterday said. “When he fights, he`s a demon.” I figured he was wrong. He was right. After a few days of practice, I`m not the worst at sword fighting. But when I went to meet my opponent, my jaw dropped. Julian was dueling five to one, but he was winning. He slashed at one guy, making him stumble back. He stabbed another on the shield with so much force that he fell. Then he saw me. “Hi.” He said, smiling. Before I knew it, I was on the ring with Julian. His look intensified. Then, the whistle blew. I lunged with my sword raised. Julian sidestepped and pushed me back with the hilt of his blade. But then, I kicked him on the chest. Dark fog began to grow from the ground. It fought for me. The fog carried me. I flew up and down, while Julian tried to get at me. I stabbed at him and locked hilts. I flung my sword upward and along came Julian`s. Two black blades appeared in my hands and I brought them down to Julian`s throat. There was moment of awed silence. “Whoa.” Julian managed to say. “The rumors are true.” Then he stood up and went flying down the road (yes, Julian can fly).

So, my sister defeated the only person who could take on a dozen to one. Huzza. So, we were sitting in front of Mr. Vananberg. “So, child. There is a prophecy about two coming to this land. We are very sure it means you two, and I hope you would agree.” Then he began to recite,

From the abyss shall rise the two.

They shall conquer all that`s true.

One shall veil itself in dark,

the other is of many marks.

Two more shall travel with them too,

A swordman, and an archer coo

They shall travel north to snow.

And will find the tomb of ago.

They shall save the monster`s wrath,

Until all is in their path”

“Uh… I guess you could say it is us.” I said. “The swordman would be Julian” “And the archer has to be Joe!” The people we said materialized next to us, giving us (okay, me) quite a fright. “We need to go north, into the snow dune” Joe said. “And we brought gear.”

Before we knew it, we were being given weapons, books, and a “Hope you survive” from friends, and we were being sent off. We walked and walked into the dune, until we thought our feet were going to freeze. Luckily, Luna was able to do something about it. She made hovercrafts out of darkness and we flew the rest of the way. Suddenly, we heard a roar. We turned to see the snow dune explode. Out came a… bear. It was a gummy bear, red, and was about two meters high. The thing growled. “This is easy.” Said Joe. He fired an arrow at the food. The arrow sunk a few inches into the creature and then bounced off. “On second thoughts, gummy bears are not cake” Joe said in a small voice. We activated our weapons and ran-away because the thing spat flaming acid at us and melted a foot of snow. We ran into a jungle, and yet the thing pursued. The thing walked on two legs, the others ripping trees apart. I cut two to make an ‘x’, but the bear tore it apart like they were pencils. Then, the thing gained. I swung my sword. That was a mistake. The blade passed clean through its body and chopped the head off. Immediately, the body grew a new head, and the head grew a new body. One punched me. I felt like I was being hit by the toughest, biggest, the most ticked off bouncy ball in the universe. I flew back and hit an elm. Then, Joe fired an arrow. It was a flaming arrow, and as it flew, the arrow turned into a burning sword and impaled a bear against a tree. The thing yelled and fought as it was burned alive, melting into goo. The other yelled for killing its clone. So, we ran again. I made the ‘x’ again and Joe set it ablaze. The annoying bear thing popped his head off and threw it at us. The body, without eyes, sadly burned to death. As it flew, it hit the ground in front of us and spat acid all around us. It wrote, I figured out later ‘I will avenge the gummy bears you burned, ate, and tortured’ but before it could, Luna wrapped it in black binds, and Julian stabbed into the dark bubble with his sword in ‘flame’ mode. After we were done, I set all the gummy bears I brought for the journey free, by the pond, and to my amazement, they came to life and bounced away. I silently swore to never eat a gummy bear again.

“Umm…. Where are we?” Jack asked. “I think we lost track and got stuck in the jungle.” Julian said. He looked at his map. “Guys… We are in the land of the Cretes.” He said. “Uh… you mean that place that got pulverized by a volcano?” I asked. Joe nodded. “The only creatures who survived that was the…” Suddenly, a ball of fire erupted from the bushes. “I thought Crete was an island. “It is, but we may have travelled past that when we ran from the bears.” Suddenly, the air was filled with huge eruptions of fireballs. The bushes burned to the ground as a dozen creatures came out. They were… bunnies. They were cute, and fluffy, and fire breathing. They lunged at me. I screamed and did the thing that came naturally. I swung the sword. The bunny was cut in half. The others were furious! They began to leap and fire at me and my friends. Julian pulled out a shield and covered us. Then, Jack whipped out his sword and lunged. Every time the blade met the rabbits, they melted into dust. Joe fired volley after volley of arrows. Julian leaped out and began to slash at the bunnies. However, something strange happened every time the sword cut the animals. They burned away into ashes. Soon, the rabbits fled, but the smell of blood attracted something else. We were about to sit down and rest when a roar shattered the world.

I have never seen such a big snake. It was if the empire state building, and it`s teeth were as big as cars. That thing made the gummy bears look like a baby`s stress toy. It roared again and spat a mouthful of acid right at Julian. He blocked it with his shield. And I did the most stupid thing I ever did (until now). I lunged. I ran at the beast, dodged some acid, and I brought down my sword with all my strength. However, the blade bounced off the thick, coppery scales. The scales rose into sharp spikes. Then, the stupid worm shot it in all directions. That gave a millisecond of exposed flesh. I quickly stabbed at it. But when the silt iron blade sank into the skin of the snake, nothing happened. “How?” I asked. “That thing is a Mole dragon, the biggest and the most powerful dragon of all. It is the rival of the Shellripper,” Joe swallowed. “and is immune to silt iron.” The angry creature roared. It shot another volley of spikes. One hit a boulder, and the boulder cracked in half. It bit at Luna. Then, I saw something that gave me nightmares for weeks.

When the snake bit at me, I rolled out of the way. However, instead of feeling scared, I was offended. I had not come all this way to be eaten by a stupid worm. I felt my body growing colder and colder, until I raised my hand and shot a column of darkness at the Mole dragon. It hit the snake right on, and it toppled to the ground. Then it got up, ticked off. I slashed at his eye, and it got even madder. It chased me until it cornered me. But when his shadow loomed over me, I vanished. I came out in a tree`s shade, and I brought my sword down with all my strength. The multi-titanium blade made a huge hole in the scales. Then Julian brought his down in a flash of sliver. The blade sank into the chink, and the creature roared in agony as it was burned into ashes. “Wait… how did your blade burn him?” Jack asked. Julian sighed. “This is serene silver. It would burn up any creature who met it. The only creature that is immune to both serene silver and silt iron is the Shellripper.” Then, the trees began to part. They made way for a pyramid as big as mount Everest. It was in the middle of the forest, lined with moss and grass. “The tomb of tears” Joe gasped. “What?” I asked. “That place is the place where the most powerful monster of all resides… the Shellripper. We have to go in” Joe said. I have never seen someone wanting to walk into a place full of demons. But Joe did. We didn`t have to. The pyramid exploded into rubble as a creature big enough to make blue whales look like bananas. It was a dozen times as big as the Mole dragon, and it was basically just a thing twenty times as big as the baby Shellripper we met on Snow fort. It roared so loudly that several trees collapsed around him. It fired several balls of blue light as big as big as a cruise ship. As they struck, they destroyed several acres of trees. They propelled us backward. Julian stabbed it, but it did not affect him at all. Suddenly, Julian pulled out a small sword, maybe a foot or so, and stabbed it into the monster. Then he pulled out another sword, this one the same length, but had a silver blade and a golden handle. With that, he began to rock climb (or is it a leg climb) the monster. While he was climbing, we distracted it. I poked it on the eye with dark spikes. Jack materialized on his head and nailed the other eye. Joe shot volley after volley of arrows. However, we only made it mad. It stabbed downward with those horns of his, and one pulverized a shield as the other sank a mile (literally) into the ground. Then, everything went wrong. He must have felt something, a tiny sting, or a little scratchiness. For whatever reason, he turned on his leg. Julian, I could see, gulped. Then, he drove one sword into its leg, and the other he held on to. The blade couldn`t take all that weight, and it began to fall. But as it did, it made a huge scar on the side of the Shellripper`s leg. It hissed in pain, and it shot at his leg. It was so stupid, that I had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing, it hit his leg, and he crumbled. It bucked, then it fell over. But the stubborn thing got right back up and roared. It shot several more shots. Then, something happened.

I hate getting killed. Therefore, I hate the Shellripper. I think that is obvious. I have made a poem for it:

Yesterday, I feared Ripper.

Today, I hate Ripper.

Tomorrow, I will kill Ripper.

I know, I know. The thing needs help. But exactly the opposite of helping my poem happened. The Shellripper died, like, today. Julian`s sword, the one with the gold handle and sheath with that serene silver blade, began to glow. Silver tendrils of pure energy sparked up and down the blade. And my sword, the Silt iron blade began to buzz. It began to glow, until I was holding a tiny sun. Julian`s blade and my blade blasted energy and met in midair. A small ball of light appeared where the two blasts met, and the ball fired at the monster. It hit it on the chest, and he dissolved into light. Then, I heard clapping behind us. I turned to see a skeleton. Luna has described it to me. He was king Tutankhamun Nebkheperure. He pulled out a blade. The blade gave me visions I couldn`t forget. I saw how people melted in the heat as the ghost melted multi titanium, silt iron, and serene silver together for his sword. I saw it cooled in the blood of the ones who Tut hated. I saw him torturing people to death. I snapped out of my vision. “I never expected you to come this far. I was shocked. I hope you would forgive me when I kill you.” He was the politest killer I have never witnessed. And the most skilled, apparently. Julian lunged with his regular blade. Joe snapped his fingers, and two silt iron scimitars appeared on his hand. “Where did they come from?” I asked. “I can make the air around me to form certain things.” Joe said. Then he leaped into the fight. For an archery nerd, he was very skilled. However, Tut was not bad himself. He turned his sword into a double sided, double edged sword. He quickly disarmed Julian, but the blade flew back into his hand. Joe threw his scimitars at the ghost and nailed him onto a tree. The iron blades did no harm to him as he slid out of the things, but a grappling hook flew out of Joe`s hand and trapped him. The chains began to glow and Tut dissolved. But as he did, He yelled with so much force that all the evil and power came out of his body and began to pollute the air. “You have defeated me for now, but I would resurrect!” The poison gas killed all the things that touched it. It quickly spread around so much that soon we were forced to run away. But then, something happened. Luna`s eyes began to glow fluorescent black as she floated up to the mass of death. I was sure I was about to witness my dear little sis turn into a ghost herself. But she raised her arms and dropped them. A wall of black wrapped around it, making a dome to keep the gas out. Black energy rippled up and down her body. She half fell to the ground and passed out before she hit the ground. Bad timing. Bad, bad, timing. Because behind us came an army-and they were here for Luna-only. The first lunged with a spear and shield, but with a flash of silver he collapsed on the floor. “Julian!” Joe reprimanded. “What? They were going to kill us!” “But killing them is, like, murder.” “Uh…. guys? Maybe we can do the debate later?” I asked. We surrounded Luna. “Why are you all trying to kill us?” I asked. “Because we need that power.” They gestured to Luna. The power of the tomb, the evil powering the dead wasn`t king Tutankhamun. It was Luna. They stabbed me, and I screamed, but stopped once I could tell the spear went right through me like an illusion. I activated my sword, and I began to fight. With every attack going through me, I was invincible. I tore at the people around us, every swing of my blade fatal to many. They exploded to dust as they tried to fight me. A volley of arrows flew past me, taking several of the soldiers. Them was a flash of silver Julian leaped into the fight. Joe`s scimitars flashed into life as he swung them around, silt flying around him. But that`s when everything went wrong. Them was an explosion of purple as a person came out. He held a mace that had a head as big as a basketball. Joe shot a volley of arrows at him, but he swatted them aside with a flick of his finger. Julian leaped into the air and brought the tip of his blade down. However, the blade bounced without a scratch on his mace. He swung his mace at a tree so hard that the tree went flying away. But in all the commotion, the other soldiers got my sister. In a flash of purple, they vanished.

I woke up in a cell. I was bound to the floor by multi-titanium chains. I struggled to break them, but instead it only got tighter. It heard footsteps and I stopped. “She`s still not awake?” One asked in a gruff voice. “Apparently not.” Another answered in a smooth voice. I saw that my bracelet was still intact. I waited until they were out, and I activated my sword. My sword slid through the chains like they were rubber. I tapped my sword again and it shrank back into the bracelet. I quickly and silently crept down the hallway afloat on the cloud of dark gas. Every time I saw a guard, I melted into a shadow and waited until he passed. I was almost to the exit when I heard a scowl behind me. I turned to see a purple fire rage around until it formed a human. He held a mace. “I am the great Power!” He yelled. “That is a horrible name!” I shouted back. That was the wrong thing to say. He growled with anger and lunged. I braced my sword to deflect the blow, but I could tell it wasn`t enough. I made a thick wave of darkness fly toward Power, but Power blasted it out of the way like it was child`s play. Solders began to come out. I brought the point of my sword down to Power`s face, but he knocked it away. Then, he blasted me with purple light, propelling me backwards. I managed to stand, but my weapon was behind Power. I pulled out my knife that I had for backup. It was a foot of silt iron, tipped at the edges with multi-titanium. I raised my knife-just in time. Power`s mace slammed into me, and the knife was the only thing that kept me from becoming construction paper. I swung my knife, but it just wouldn`t reach. Then, I had an idea. I stabbed the knife into the wall of the castle. Normally, if someone struck something of silt iron into something non-living, nothing would happen, but my powers manipulated the blade and the wall to become living shadows. Silt poured out of the walls. The entire castle began to disintegrate. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Power yelled. I distracted him long enough to dash across him and retrieve my sword. And for good measure, I stabbed my knife into Power`s thigh. He roared with agony. But before he could do something about it, he melted into dust, giving the seeds below him to have enough silt to grow into trees. But the game wasn`t over yet. Thousands upon thousands of soldiers began to gather. I slashed and lashed, but I was getting overwhelmed. Just when I was going to be completely overcome, I heard a war call-the beating of large drums. The call of Snow fort. Dozens of kids charged out, led by Julian, Jack, and Joe. They tore the monsters to shreds with magic, weapons and with loud drums. We were outnumbered a hundred to one-but we were winning! But then, I felt the wrath of Power, smiling evilly as he floated away into the dark. “WAIT” I yelled, but it was too late. The war attracted the Shellripper.

“I thought we killed that thing?” I asked. “No human can possibly kill him. In the times of the British empire, it took an army of well trained, well-armed men to even annoy it. We only knocked it out because it was in the jungle, where he rather sleeps than fight. Now…” I looked around. I could see heaps of snow and ice around us. The Shellripper roared and shot a volley of missiles into the army of Power. There was a pleasant explosion of blue light that would make a nuclear bombs look like a burst of electricity. What was left of the army was a pile of smoking ashes. “Wait! Jack, remember the Mole dragon?” Joe asked as shot a missile arrow at the monster. I remembered that. It only made me feel worse. But then I had an idea. Well, Joe had an idea and I got it. Mole dragons were the natural rivals of Shellripper’s! “GET IT TO ROAR!” yelled Joe. So, naturally I got it to roar my sending an arrow-sword to poke him in the eye. I got a recorder and captured the roar. I cranked up the volume and let it go again and again. Sure enough, a dozen scaley snakes slithered up to the Shellripper. I was like a rattlesnake meeting a large turtle. Four of the Mole dragons wrapped around each of the monster`s legs, tying it to the ground. One took care of the mouth, the other the clubbed tail as big as a small mountain. The rest of the creatures strangled him, bit him, and basically killed him. Finally, the Shellripper was defeated.

When we got back, we were treated like heroes, because, well, we were. We got nice food, of pickles, cookies, and onions, and we got a peach flavored taco. We even got new weapons. Joe got this cool new bow made from multi-titanium that has sharp edges. And by what I hear, the bow string is weaved from the scales of a Mole dragon. Julian got a new knife that is made from silt iron and serene silver. I got a new shield made of multi-titanium. It has a large, serene silver spike on the middle, with razor sharp edges. Luna got new armor that is multi titanium on the outside, and soft fur on the inside. It expands from a T-shirt with a picture of a unicorn riding a rainbow. Even Carson said, “Idiot” which in Carson-speak, means ‘I guess you did well’. I went to the arena to do some practice (and to forget my math homework) and saw I was alone. I trudged over to into the ring and pressed the ‘only play’ button. The ground gave way to thousands of dummies. Only, they were supposed to be dummies. What should have been hay scarecrows were robots with gleaming multi-titanium armor. They glared at me, and they began to fire arrows, no, only arrowheads at me. They flew to the speed of bullets. I saw one strike a tree and watched it evaporate into silt. Oh, great. I had to take on a robot with silt iron bullets. I took out me sword and shield. I swung my sword, but it sparked of with hardly a dent. The arrows came dangerously close to me, and even with a shield, I was in danger. I plunged my sword into a robot`s head, but multi-titanium was far stronger that silt iron. I drove my sword into a robot`s neck chink, and it melted. Great. Only two thousand left to go. The robots were endless. Suddenly, I saw a streak of light run past me and struck a robot. It was cut in half. Them was a flash of silver and gold, and I saw that a dozen robots went flying. And I decided to help. I slashed at the robots, not that it did any help. Then, the blurry light leaped into the mass of robots, and they were flown away. I could see as it flew away, they were slowly burning up. The light subsided into a young man, about the age of twelve. “Evan?” I asked. The boy laughed. “No, kid. I am Joshua. Joshua Roe.”

So, I guess by brother found a nomad, who travels around. The new guy was Evan`s little brother, and they didn`t go along. “So, bro! So nice to see you!” Joshua said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Evan scowled. Then he turned to us. “You two should leave.” “But-” I began to argue. “NOW!!!” Evan yelled. We decided not to argue, because his glare made a Mole dragon look like a stuffed animal. About ten seconds later we left the door, we saw the roof blow open, and we heard blasts of energy fired at each other. About a minute later, the entire house was turned into a pile of ashes. Being the two strongest people in Snow fort, their ‘debate’ nearly pulverized an acre of land around them. When they finally walked out, they concluded, “We know where the energy of death is coming from.” “What?” Me and Jack asked in unison. “Look, we saw a Nunchuckamus, a demon gummy bear, attack in the snow. It led you to the Lepusignis, the fire-breathing bunny, which then attracted the Shellripper. Then, the Mole dragon, and so on.” Evan said. And Joshua continued, “Oh, and then when you came back, multi-titanium robots attacked you. Only one being has enough money, evil, and vengeance enough to have all this. It is-” “Whoa! What`s up with your sword? That thing is sick!” a little boy about six years old asked. He had somehow gotten through the ashes and was now bouncing up and down on Joshua`s feet. Joshua winced. “Uh, it`s just a sword made of gold and serene silver.” “It`s magicae gold.” Evan said. “It contains enough energy to deflect all the energy a Shellripper can make in a lifetime.” Joshua blushed. “It`s nothing. Anyway, that was not the point of what we are trying to say. So, the guy who has all this is called Perio the Shrewd. He is the richest being in the universe, literally. He has once hired king Tut. He can control the army of Power. I am afraid that they have went into the land of Scorch, not destroyed. But you have weakened the army. For the next quest-” “Whoa, another quest?” I asked, horrified. I suddenly felt sick. I was sinking in a sea of despair. “Nah, not for the time being. But when you do…” Joshua waved his hand, and a small blob came out of thin air. It was round and was growing. It said one word, “Food?” “This is a Goo. It is covered in liquid multi-titanium and has rubber armor far stronger than any other creature. But for now, you should go to a regular school, and study regular things. Snow fort is preparing for war. All students, nomads, and teachers shall be sent out to the world for a little while.”

Therefore, this was our first journey. Oh, and Jack made a new poem.

I want to live.

I want to play.

But even more, I want to save the world.

(I think it`s horrible)

Part two: the war of the Aegean Sea

I hate my new school. I was expelled from Eye Point because of my ‘stealing and disappearing’ stunt. I`m surprised I didn`t go to jail the moment I stepped out of Snow fort. Instead, Jack and I go to CSA, which stands for Career Salvaging Appointment. I think it should be called Catastrophic Savage Annihilation. Why? Because of what happened halfway into the semester. We were doing arts and crafts, making paper crabs. The crabs were a group project, supposedly life size. They were the size of footballs, and we had to fold, cut, tape, and glue the pieces together. I was the one who were supposed to tape and glue. I don`t know why the (insult) we did that because we just all went around helping each other. When I went to help the cutting guy, I knew there was a problem. I never seen him my entire life when we literally spent months without classmates. He was tall, with a tan, and an unfriendly scowl frozen on his face. But that wasn`t the problem. He had three scissors, each a type of metal I knew too well. He was cutting a piece of paper with a brown, gleaming blade. Silt iron. Humans can`t ever use silt iron because it must be hammered at a magical temperature. I put my hand just an inch from my bracelet. Thankfully, I had enough time to press my thing before he lunged with serene silver and silt iron scissors.

I figured it was going to be a rough day ever since I heard my sister screaming. I took out my water bottle, uncapped it, and rushed to her aid. I would just say that my sister isn`t the worst at sword fighting. I watched, open-mouthed, as she sliced at the scissors, two expert strikes, and sliced off the blades of each one. Then, the boy fighting Luna pulled out his last scissor and lunged. It was no contest; the shorter blade was tangled away from the boys grip. For the record, I wrote last scissor not weapon. I saw him unsheathe a long blade from his cloak and swing it at my sister. It left a gash on her stomach, and she toppled back and hit the ground. He was going for a last, fatal strike when I jumped in. I threw a dagger at the blade, parrying the strike and leaped into the air. I brought my blade down with all my strength-and found it deflected. We dueled for a long time, occasionally exchanging words or strikes. So, I learned that a) he was not a monster and b) He thought Luna was a monster, and c) he liked peaches. So, we practically forgot the rest of the class until I heard sirens. I turned to my dueler. “Come on. We`ll going to take you to Snow fort. I had no idea how to do that of course, until I remembered my pet. I pulled out a shining titanium thermos and opened it. With a flash of light and a “FOOD!”, my pet, Goo, appeared. “Uh… hi Goo, can you take us to Snow fort?” I showed it my sister, who was groaning on the floor. Oh, and the guy with scissors was called John. He lifted Luna up in the fireman`s carry and said. “We need to hurry” duh. Anyway, Goo opened his mouth in a giant portal and swallowed us up in a giant “FOOD!” and we went tumbling down-right into the girl`s bathroom. “Uh… of all the places… why does it have to be here?” I groaned as we stood. We exited the horrifying place and went to the main hospital. Lucca Heft, the healer dude examined the wound on Luna. “I haven`t seen a gash like this since… John, show me your sword.” John opened his hand, and a sword appeared in it. It slowly made its way into existence, like it was being pulled from an invisible scabbard. John set in down. It was a dark, bluish metal, gleaming darkly. Now that I could see it more closely, I could see it was more like straight scimitar than a long sword. Lucca paled. “You’re from the land of Scorch, aren’t you?” John nodded grimly. “I barely escaped with my life. I used the only weapon powerful enough to freeze the water-ice-steel scimitar, weapon of death.” “And you used that on my sister?” I was furious. “Sorry…” Lucca chimed in. “Enough, I have a remedy for this particular metal. At least he didn`t use full magic of this weapon-it would have turned her to ice immediately.” He pulled out a package of white powder and a bottle of green, glowing liquid. He mixed it together. “This is crushed serene silver, so we call it serene sugar. Normally, it would burn up the eater, but when cut with a freezing metal and weakened by acid, it would be fine.”

I woke up being fed spoonful’s of goo by a giant robot. Not Goo, just regular slime. It tasted good, like sugar coated with chocolate, then drinking milk in one gulp. I felt better after taking a few bites. I first felt like I was freezing (which I later figured out I was) but now I felt like I ate twenty energy bars. I used my sheets and pillow to make a shadow big enough for me to be in. I always felt better in the dark. I looked to my midsection. It was bandaged, but I could feel the wounds closing. I formed a small dagger from my darkness and cut the bandages. The wound was reduced to a white scar but was leaking a few drops of blood now and then. I tested to see if I could stand. I could. I turned off my robotic feeder and went outside. I floated around my surroundings (Snow fort) and saw Jack. I flew down and surprised him with a “BOO!” “AHHHHH! What in the world are you doing wait… Luna? Are you alright?” “Better. How long was I out?” “Oh, a week.” Jack replied. A WEEK? How was I going to do anything, catch up or whatever when I was out for a week? I grabbed Jack on the collar and said, “You got to tell me everything I know.”

When Luna grabbed me, I thought I was toast. I was grateful to die in such a marvelous place, to survive several attacks then be killed by my own blood. Alas, I did not die! I took her to the arena, where Mr. Vananberg, Joshua, and Evan was waiting. “So… here’s the thing. Perio the great is one of the seven great sorcerers who created the time portal into the future. Evan, and Joshua are also sorcerers. Perio has a scythe made from powerful ice-steel. Also, I learned why Perio has a grudge on us. A long time ago, the seven sorcerers had a war called the World War I. It started when two of the seven`s countries began fighting- first in the Balkan peninsula, then to Austria-Hungary. Anyway, he and another sorcerer lost the war, now they teamed up. The other sorcerer was the father of Power and the controller of the dead, nicknamed Hades, Harrison Pingel. He has another army coming to us right now.”

When I heard the news, my head was spinning like helicopter wings. Had to sit down. I felt the scar on my stomach begin to freeze. My entire stomach was so cold it burned. “You, okay?” Jack asked. “Uh… fine.” I managed to say. “You should rest. I`ll get you in time for the preparations.” I didn`t want to pass out for another week, so I said, “No… I`m fine.” Jack felt the wound and quickly snatched his hand away. “You need to sleep.” “Then make me.” I said. I guess it was a little stupid, given that I couldn`t move anything except for my mouth. “Sure.” Jack said. “Collin!” He called. I saw the energetic six-year-old bound toward me. “Dude, knock her out.” Jack said. “Yay!” He said. He took out a giant metal club. “No, I mean with your powers! Where did you even get that?” Collin nodded, clearly disappointed. Before I knew what he was doing, he snapped his fingers. Suddenly, my entire body felt heavy. My eyelids began to droop. I tried to stay awake for as long as possible, and I succeeded by 3 seconds. I collapsed on the floor and passed out.

I had never wanted to call Collin. If he gets too excited, he can put everyone within a mile radius take a nap for a month. But now that he was here, there was no way to drag him out. So, we planned out battle strategy while a toddler played with bubbles right next to us. I want to leave out the battle strategy because it`s boring, and it would be a major spoiler. So, fast forward.

I awoke on a moving dragon. Jack was driving it. “Hey! How come you always take me along, asleep?” I yelled. I punched him on the shoulder. Jack winced. “Ow. Sorry about that.” I looked at the dragon I was riding and saw that I was in a flock of dragons, each having a rider. I learned about these in magic. They are Firewings. They are a rare type of dragon that is said to be nearly invincible. Tough, scaly armor covers all its body, spews lava hot acid, has three tails. The tails on the outer edges spews highly flammable gas, while the middle ignites it. It`s wings can catch on fire, hence the name, ‘Firewing’ If it flaps it`s wing while it is on fire, then it can create a fire tornado. Extremely smart. Extremely dangerous. Typical. I was riding on a killer dragon. Below me, I could see the ocean, with multiteam ships dotting it. “Where are we?” I asked. “We`re in the Aegean Sea, the border of Snow fort`s territory.” I looked up and had to stifle a scream. High above us, gliding on enormous, serene silver wings, was Snow fort itself. It was a full ball now, each brick having a cannon. The fort glided down to the way bottom. Then, the first wave of soldiers erupted from the sea (pun intended). Thousands upon thousands of ghosts and monsters erupted from the sea in a giant ship called the Universal Bear. But Jack just laughed. “Sugar is bad for you. So is serene sugar. From the fort, a cloud of glittering dust exploded from the bottom. When they touched the bottom, every monster or ghost who breathed it in, got it dug into the skin, or even blinked in it burned away into ashes. Serene sugar. The first wave was burned away, but with a triumphant blast of blue light, the dust dissolved, revealing the second wave: About a million soldiers and Perio leading. That`s when Jack abandoned dragon.

When I saw Perio, I leaped off and charged at him, sword, and shield intact. He saw me coming and drew his own weapon. It was a scythe with a spearpoint. He first lunged at me and brought his spearpoint down on me. The shield deflected the blow, but it dented the metal, slightly. Then, he lunged again with his scythe point. This time, he raked open my shield as easily as one would cut a piñata. I looked down in shock. Then my shock turned into anger. I threw away the useless bits of my shield and lunged at Perio, not knowing what good it would do. Perio raised his scythe, preparing to kill me. Just then, someone else intercepted the fatal blast. “John!” I yelled. He had his sword raised in the air, deflecting the blow. “Foolish boy.” Perio snarled. He pulled out a dagger from the butt of his scythe, and he stabbed John on the stomach. John doubled over. “I`m…. fine….” He said weakly. Then, he crumbled away into bits of ice. I glared at Perio with the most hateful glare I had ever given someone. I was about to lunge at him again when Harrison Pingel materialized next to him. He held a double-sided axe, gleaming with ice-steel. “So, that`s him? Pathetic.” He laughed. “Maybe so. But we`ll even up the odds.” Said a voice. Joshua and Evan appeared in a ball of gold and orange light. Perio struck Evan`s pole so hard it should have cut it into pencils, but the pole deflected it and Perio got a blast of light right in his face. He flew backward. Meanwhile, Joshua was dueling with Harrison, and I was going around the Universal Bear killing monsters and ghosts when I saw something cool. Okay, maybe a little bad. Fine, horrifying. Zombies! They were groaning, coming from the basement below. And holding them back was Luna! She had a wall of darkness around them, but it was clearly draining her. Since I was in gas state, I couldn`t move quickly. If I did, my atoms would come apart and fly around until I became nothing but another type of air. I floated over and helped her channel the energy. Above us, our Firewings and the enemy’s dragons clashed. Snow fort was taking several monsters at once, firing dozens of cannonballs at a time. But the Universal Bear began to train the cannonballs on the dragons and on Snow fort. Then, our small, agile ships began to work. The ships grew thick titanium spikes and rammed the bigger ship. Then, it fired into the crack, and the cannonballs exploded. The Universal Bear creaked and groaned, the bits of titanium clogging up the engine. Then, the basement exploded, and I knew that the zombies were now dead.

When I saw the zombies burn into dust, I was on the verge of unconsciousness. I collapsed on the floor and tried to focus on breathing. Unfortunately, that was the exact moment a Lepusignis decided to kill me. The demon bunny growled and it`s mouth began to glow. I was wearing my unicorn T-shirt, and I activated my armor just in time. I cut the bunny in half and ran into a dark corner. No, I am not a coward. The dark just helps me recover. After a few minutes, I began to feel like myself again. I lunged into the battle, my sword swinging aside me. The next few hours were a blur. I found myself wielding a torch and a sword, burning Nunchuckamus and Lepusignis everywhere I went. Ghosts stayed away from me, maybe because any ghost that did got sucked into a giant black hole vortex I was using for a shield. I saw my old buddies Julian and Joe. Joe was using his new quiver, and Julian his new sword. I caught up with Jack, who was battling a giant snake-the Mole dragon. I rushed over to help, and I attacked it with my sword. I hacked a hole into it`s scales, and Jack pulled out a serene silver dagger that he got for his birthday, and we made ashes of the worm. Then I saw something. Harrison was gliding around in his chariot pulled by Firewings. I saw the ghosts float off as well, and the monsters who had wings lifted those who didn`t and flew up from the ship. Then, the Universal Bear exploded, revealing an enormous creature, bigger than the Shellripper itself. “I thought the Shellripper was the biggest?” I asked. “That is a Shellripper. But it`s a mutant sea monster called the Whirlmouth.” Evan replied, coming from nowhere. “Perio?” I asked. Evan pointed to a small figure with a scythe, flying upward. “Why is the Whirlmouth called that?” I asked. The huge creature turned to the remains of the ship, where our troops were scrambling upwards and grabbing their dragons. Jack`s dragon (called Telepathy) picked me up as well. Just then, the Whirlmouth opened it`s jaw. The entire ship was sucked into it in a mere moment. Perio laughed viciously, now perched on his chariot. Battling it was Joshua. I could see him, like a piece of glitter, moving like a comet, attacking again and again. Behind me, I could feel Evan tensing. He shouted, “Wall formation!” and instantly our dragons surrounded the monsters head. Just one tooth was the size of a small house. We could only surround it two times, but we were fierce. We fired blast after blast of acid at the creature. Fire tornados raged around him, like a spark on a giant piece of wood. A billow of blue gas covered the creature`s head and exploded. The Whirlmouth roared in rage and began to fire blue balls of light at us, and some hit. Those who were fluttered the ground and hit the ea. But finally, it found it`s fatal blow. Joshua unleashed the energy of his magicae gold weapons, and it vaporized the monster and made the entire Aegean Sea boil. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Perio screamed. He and Harrison lunged at Joshua, who was currently summoning his dragon on the sea. But Harrison didn`t make it far. Evan leaped down and lunged at him, a deadly orange comet of energy. He struck him on the chest. Harrison doubled back and drew his axe. But before he could do anything, he was hit again with a fatal blast and he crumbled into dust. Meanwhile, Perio and Joshua was dueling on the sky. Every time the two powerful blades met, sparks and bits of ice fell from them. Then, Joshua struck Perio with the hilt of his blade, and Perio toppled down. Joshua was just about to deliver the fatal blow, coming in for the stab, when I saw it, the same look Perio had when he drew the dagger that killed John. He grasped the butt of his weapon. However, the next second held many different events. Evan reached Perio. Just as he pulled out his dagger, Evan blasted it aside. Perio looked up with a look of annoyance. Joshua stabbed Perio and Evan strangled him with orange light. The ghosts vanished as their source of energy was destroyed. We have won the war of the Aegean Sea.

I was air sick, so I wanted to sail home, but Luna talked me into riding the dragon again. When we got back, I had to throw up several times. Anyway, the extremely few who were left to hailed us. We attended several of who died on the war. Then we had free time. I was alone in my dormitory, looking at the floating chandelier. I was thinking about opening my pack of chips when a flash of orange light lit the room. Evan came to my chair. “It is a very hard time for us. Many sorcerers have turned on each other. Some posses power far stronger than others, and I am afraid they may have united each other. If that happens, we will be destroyed. We must be prepared to stop it. The strongest of them all, Ocean, as begun to act. We must be prepared. Take this.” He gave me a javelin. It was awesome, with a multi-titanium pole, tipped with a magicae gold tip. “Bring your old sword with it as well.” As soon as the two weapons met, I said, “Whoa.” It was the same javelin, but the spearpoint was surrounded by a small shield of silt iron. “Will it to become any weapon you like.” I willed it to become a sword. Instantly, it became a sword. “Awesome. Thanks!” Evan nodded grimly. “It is the last weapon of the empire of Assyria. It is called Clasher. Use it well.” Then, he dissolved into orange light.

Part three: The underground fortress

I woke up next the next day to a surprise. I walked out of my room to see a girl right outside my dormitory. “Uh…hi?” I asked, startled. The girl smiled. “Hello! My name is Collins! Collins Eightsti, to be exact. I hope you don`t mind me being here!” “Sure.” I said, just because I didn`t know what I could do anyway if I did mind. “Do I know you?” I asked. “No. I am the sorcerer number…five! A sorceress, the only female sorcerer of the seven.” “Okay, cool. But why did you come to me? You should have first talk with Evan or Joshua or Mr. Vananberg about this.” “Hmf.” She answered playfully. “I`ll have you know that I already did.” I checked the clock. It was six in the morning. I noted the knife. “Um… how long were you here?” “About ten minutes.” She answered. She didn`t seem to be kidding. “It took you ten minutes to convince Evan, Joshua, and Mr. Vananberg to meet a student, armed and without supervision?” “No. I am supervised. By you! They said if I ever did anything wrong, you would stop me. Not that I believed it… until now.” “What?” “Oh, before I can be sure, let me try something. Luna Tews, I command you to destroy the clock.” That was the most ridiculous order I have ever heard. “Um… why?” I asked. Collins beamed. “There you go! This is how you can defeat me! Your immune, completely immune, no less, to my greatest weapon.” “The knife?” I asked, mystified. “Oh, I don`t know what to call it. It`s a thing. I don`t even know if it`s magic, of just logical debate powers. Here is an example. Eliza darling, why don`t you come skipping out of your room, humming rock and roll?” Now here`s the thing. Eliza Usman, hates singing. And, she hates skipping, galloping, running, or walking. She likes to teleport. But Eliza did exactly what Collins suggested, minus the rock and roll, because she didn`t know any. Instead, she was humming something more like a chant. “And Evan or Joshua fell for it?” I asked. “No. They simply did what I told you. Oh, and Eliza, you can go back to your dormitory.” By now people were beginning to come out of their rooms. “Oh, and we should leave now.” Then she engulfed me in white light. The next I know; I was standing outside my brother`s room. I was so dizzy that I nearly fell over. “That should be your greatest weapon.” I groaned. “Who are you and what did you do to my sister?” Said a voice. Jack was hovering a few feet on top of us, pointing his new spear at Collins. “It`s fine, Jack. Why don`t you come down?” Collins asked. Jack`s eyes flashed murderously. He didn`t get mad often, but when he did, he did. “You try to talk me into that? Why don`t I come down? I`ll tell you why. Because you might be a villain, trying to hurt, or possibly kill my sister!” “Jack! Calm down. It`s all right.” I said. Jack`s glare turned into a frown. He came down slowly, turning more solid by the second. “Fine. But who are you, anyway?” We spent the entire morning explaining to him and keeping him from killing her. “Other than the other sorcerers, you two are the first to be immune to my thing.” “We settled on calling it a thing?” “Do you have a suggestion on what to call it?” “Uh… no. Maybe call it, the thing?” “Sure.” “Can I see your knife?” Jack asked. Collins drew it, but in one foot of the sheath, a meter of magicae gold came out. “Magicae gold casts a shadow of gold, so I call this, Umbrarum.” “Really?” Jack drew his own weapon. Sure enough, the shadow looked more like a reflection than one. “I see you met our new friend.” Said a voice. Evan was standing behind them. “Evan, could you not?” This time she sounded genuinely annoyed. “No, I could not not.” He answered. “We need you in the arena.” So, five seconds later, we were groaning on the floor of the arena, teleport sick. “Ice castle was invaded.” Joshua said. He was covered in scars and his robes were ripped. “I got there the fastest I could, but-” he shrugged. “I couldn’t get past the guards. They can`t be killed.” “Whoa, hold up. What`s Ice castle?” “Ice castle was our lookout.” Said a new voice. I turned to see Julian, Joe, and Carson, along with a few others walk in. They were even hurt worse than Joshua. “They have every kind of monster you could imagine: Mole dragons, Nunchuckamus, Lepusignis, even a Shellripper. Goo was killed. So were so many others. The entire fort sank into the ground after they took over. They-” Julian bucked. “You need to rest.” Collins said. Julian walked over to the maple tree and sat down. I looked at Collins in awe. Someone who could make Julian rest that easily is not someone ordinary. “We should take a look at the fort.” Collin said. And of course, everyone agreed. Well, except for us, Evan, and Joshua. “Who do you mean by ‘we’?” I asked nervously. “I mean that you, Jack, and me should.” “Oh… in that case… I`m on it!” Jack said. “Jack? Did you immunity to the thing wear off?” “No. I just want revenge.” Typical Jack. “Fine. But no more teleporting.” Collins shrugged. “Fine.” So, we walked half a mile to the entrance of ice fort. We climbed a hill, then when we looked the other way, we saw the guards guarding a door. Collins cleared her throat, about to speak, when Jack raised a hand. “Wait” he mouthed. He pulled out a bouncy ball, Nunchuckamus rubber with green glitter. He dropped the ball on the guard`s heads. Then, the ball bounced off. “Oh, that could be a cursed ball out to destroy you!” Collins called. “Yeah. That could be.” Said a guard. Then, all dozen of them ran off, chasing after a bouncy ball that would bounce forever. We opened the door. “So, we walk in-AHHHHHH” The last part was because the door end hid a chasm, and all three of us fell strait into it.” I created a cloud of darkness to help us survive. We hit it, then we bounced off onto the floor. “Well, that was a rough start.” Collins said. “I can`t see.” Jack said. He drew his spear. The glow of the tip, along with Collins`s (try pronouncing that) sword to see. I snapped my fingers, and fluorescent black fire lit up in my hands. We followed a long hallway into a big door guarded by several thousand soldiers. Collins motioned for Jack to ram his spear on the ground. So, he made the spear grow a blunt point and rammed it on the ground. From it, a wall of pure gold washed the entire cave, and a thirty feet deep hole with gold soldiers was created. But more soldiers kept coming. They appeared from the shadows and ran to us. “Can`t you just tell them to back off?” I yelled at Collins. “They have golden earplugs. If they can`t hear me, it doesn`t work. Besides, magicae gold or ice steel neutralizes most magical attacks. Those earplugs are magicae gold!” Jack glared at her. “Your powers have many flaws.” This offended Collins so much that her hair began to float. “Oh I`ll teach you!” Then she ran to the army-with one sword. For a second, I thought she would become the star of the world`s cruelest massacre. Then, she swung the sword. It hit an entire row of soldiers, and they were blasted back to yet another row. She whirled around, destroying everything in sight. She was beginning to glow bright white, so much that it hurt my eyes. It evidently blinded the enemy as well because they ran into walls and each other after looking at it for too long. In about three minutes, the entire army was reduced to gold glitter or steaming mush. So, I guess she did become the star of the world`s cruelest massacre. We were about to enter the room when Collins said, “Wait.” She looked around, like she was looking for something. Suddenly, a black something struck her and scurried away. She fell to the ground and was knocked out. The black figure reappeared in the shadows, slowly walking toward us, menacingly. He revealed his face. It was pale, with bright green eyes. He looked no older than seventeen. “I am Nobody.” I would have cracked up, except his face was dead serious. “Uh… is that your nickname?” Nobody scowled. “My real name is Jacob, but if you call me that, I will kill you.” “So, if I call you Nobody, you will not kill us?” “That depends. I am the third most powerful of the sorcerers. I am called Nobody because I can replicate. You would never see my true form.” He snapped his fingers. We were all wrapped in black chains. “And now, you shall meet our Unkillables.” He led us through the door, revealing an enormous fortress, filled with monsters and soldiers. I knew right then that that was the lost Ice castle. Collins woke right then, startled. Then she scanned the background, understood, then pretended she was still unconscious. Nobody led us past the castle and revealed a prison-like huge arena. “Get in! Lets see how you do with our Unkillables! But no need to survive. If you do, you would be brought to me, probably to get killed.” With that, he shoved us into a round arena. Three dozen soldiers stalked out of the other room. For a test, I pulled out a serene silver dagger and threw it at a solider. However, the dagger simply glanced off his skin. He sneered and pulled out his own weapon. It was an ice steel mace. Then, Jack darted over to the side and stabbed a solider, his weapon as a sword. The glowing blade cut the solider, but the stab that should have been fatal already began to heal. They crowded around Jack, ready to kill. But Collins opened her eyes and yelled, “STOP!” the soldiers froze. They looked around, wondering whether they should. In that time, Jack darted over to our side. The ice steel weapons shook, snapping the soldiers out of the trance. Collins blasted one with gold light from Umbrarum, and another with white light from her hand. The two staggered back, smoking and sizzling. But as soon as they were in darkness again, they healed. That`s when Jack went to action.

I knew their weaknesses. They must always be in dark. If they do, they would be invincible. If not, well, we`ll see. I leaped into the air with all my strength. I turned my weapon into a battering ram, and it broke the ceiling. The soldiers screamed as they began to burn. Soon, they were a pile of ashes. They reminded me of warrior vampires, except that they didn`t seem to like blood. We escaped through the hole. Behind us we heard yelling as we floated up the hole in a cloud of darkness. We popped up in a rainforest. “Where are we?” I asked. It was a general question, but Collins said, “We`re in the amazon jungle.” I stared at her. “How did you know that?” “The tree over there told me.” She didn`t look like she was kidding. “You can talk to plants?” I asked. “Yep.” She said, rather bitterly. “and animals. That`s my power. Talking. Talking to animals, talking to plants, talking to people… even fungi.” “So, you can talk to mushrooms, flowers, and rabbits?” She nodded. “Yep. Though I`m not as persuasive when I talk with animals. Come on, let`s go find some more humans.” This time, magic or not, we all agreed. We walked the way the trees told us and found ourselves in front of an enormous restaurant in the middle of the jungle. The sign said, food. So that was either all the English the shopkeeper knew, or the shopkeeper had no sense of fashion. Probably both. So, we went in-all right you could chide us about entering a restaurant in the middle of the jungle, but we figured that traps were less obvious than this. We were wrong. At first the waiters were weary of even letting us in- until Collins stepped in. Then they became a little over excited. We waited for about a minute when the waiter returned with heaping piles of potato chips, overflowing milkshakes, mountains of French fries, and three double cheeseburgers. I shot Collins a dirty look. “I told you to only ask for minimum.” Collins shrugged. “What? I was hungry.” I sighed, but honestly, I was starving as well. When we got the food, we took two seconds to breathe in the fumes and we started to eat. Other than the time when my orphanage starved me for a week because I stole the car keys (long story) I have not that eaten that much in my whole life. I`m pretty sure the entire food mountains were gone under ten minutes. We went over to the ordering place to ask permission to leave without paying, but the waiters were gone. Instead, there was two people in black coats talking to each other. Then, when they saw us coming, they turned. Without any reason, they threw a met at us. We looked around for screaming customers or something, but we were alone. We tried to blast our way out of this, but it was hopeless. Collins had told me that ice-steel or magicae gold could neutralize magic. I could not pass through the net, Luna clearly couldn`t summon darkness, and Collins couldn`t talk magic. We slowly passed out in the powerful net.

We woke a while later in an ice-steel cage. The bars were barbed, so a single touch could freeze us. “Can`t we just slash our way through this?” I asked. It was a rash hope, but I had to try. However, when I touched my bracelet, expecting it to turn into a gleaming multi-titanium sword. Like I said, rash hope. The sword didn`t even turn into a sword. Only the magicae weapons, Clasher and Umbrarum could still have it`s magical properties. However, every time Jack or Collins tried to bring their swords up for a slash, the blades pulled away like the same ends of a magnet. The two guys who captured us lumbered over to us and laughed. “No use in struggling. You would be here until Nobody calls you.” For a second, I thought he said if nobody calls us, we could go. Then I remembered Nobody. Then, I had an idea. I leaned closer to both and whispered, “Guys, neutralize the cage by using your weapons.” Collins struck her sword into the bottom of the cage, while Jack took the top. For a moment, the two metals harmonized. The cage became a simple steel cage. Their weapons turned into regular gold. “Hey, guys? Yeah, you over there, let us go.” She kept chanting “Let us go, let us go, and give me the key.” Until their eyes glazed over. They walked like a robot to the cage and opened the door. When we all got out, Collins ordered them to slap each other, gag themselves, and tie each other up. They obliged. As soon as we were out, we felt energy coursing through our veins again. We walked through the place we were in, looking for an exit-and Nobody. We walked for what seemed like an hour until we saw it. There was a door made of pure black diamond, with a glittering magicae gold handle. However, the energy inside the room was so powerful that it made the door seem flimsy-unable to contain the power coursing through the room. We opened it. Surprise, it was not locked. Instead, when we opened it, a gust of wind and light blasted us off our feet-except for Collins. Once we got to our feet, we walked in. Inside there was nobody except for Nobody. He was floating in the middle of the room, his eyes closed. The wore a black, glimmering cloak that flowed around him like liquid. Mercury flowed around him in a silvery circle. Liquid magnets inched their way up a steel wall. Everything here was liquid, bending to their master`s will. The ceiling was a dome made of water, as the bottom below them was quicksand. We would have been buried if not for the fact that I made a black surface around it. “Uh, hello, Nobody, we`re to kill you if that`s okay.” Nobody opened his eyes. “This is my true form. Call me Jacob. And sure, you can kill me. If you can.” Jacob yelled and all the liquid in the room exploded. It formed an enormous silvery black monster. “I have spent days making this monster. It has absorbed all the monsters we collected. It is far more powerful than a sorceress.” The monster roared, a sound like waves crashing against rocks. It sent us a tsunami of mercury at us, nearly drowning us in precious metal. Collins flashed around, teleporting as fast as lighting. She yelled some dumb orders like, “Dude your mom`s here! Turn around!” Or “That`s a good super demon. Now, stay!” The orders made the creature wince in annoyance and a flicker of doubt. That made the attacks less dangerous, but it was dangerous, nevertheless. Hurricanes of liquid steel and rubidium whirled around. A cage of liquid steel created itself and hardened around Jack. Jack slashed with his sword, cutting the bars like bars of soap. Then he was hit by a fist of magnet. It hardened as it hit Jack, then returned into it`s liquid state. Jack`s eyes flashed. “You want change of elements? I`ll give you change of elements!” He turned into air, his eyes glaring coldly down at Jacob. Suddenly, the air turned as humid as in the middle of the ocean. I could barley breathe until he created an oxygen hole around me. Somewhere to my left, I heard Jacob choking on the air. I could faintly see him surrounded in vapor, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and bunch of other poisonous gases. The monster was moving at sluggish speed, but Collins was as fast as a hawk. She slid down and cut the creature and unleashed the energy packed inside her and her sword. The blow wiped out the humidness in the air and replaced it with smoke. Where the monster used to stand was a thin line of vapor. Jacob was on the ground, still suffocating. “Jack, let him go.” Collins said. Jack hesitated, but even he knew it was right. He snapped his fingers and the smoke vanished. “Let`s go back to Snow fort” When we got there, we found everyone passed out on the floor. I nearly had a heart attack except for Collin, who was jumping around in the middle of the crowd. Some idiot must have told Collin about the siege. “So? Did you succeed?” He asked, being the hyper boy that he was. Collins told Collin to go to sleep himself, and after a short argument, they were both asleep on the tables.

After we revived everyone, we- the sorcerers and Luna and me, all gathered around the arena table. What bothered them most was the fact that what bothered them most was the fact that I controlled air. Jeez, can`t a kid have some supernatural powers up his sleeve? Nevertheless, they agreed to a trial. With all their powers combined, they could lift the immunity to the spell. Once they did, I didn`t feel much different, until Collins began to talk. Her voice was richer and stronger, with more layered feelings. I am not sure what she asked. I`m not sure what I replied. Soon the test was over, I could finally have a break from magic and relax. Only one sorcerer to go-the strongest one.

Part four: The last challenge

I hate chickens. Try telling that to my friends. They literally placed one right in front of my dormitory, with a walkie talkie that yelled “APRIL FOOLS!!!!” Stupid Collins. Stupid Jack. Only the two could have thought and was able to do this stunt. I teleported over to Jack`s place. I stormed into his room-to find another forest of chickens with Jack, Collins, and Julian in the middle. Julian had a look that said, don`t kill me. Collins made me do it. So, I decided to forgive him. I stormed over to Jack and made a black hole appear right at his feet. That`s probably the last I`ll see of him for the next thirty minutes. Collins vanished into thin air. Julian took out his sword and slashed it through the air. In a flash of silver, he vanished. Then, the chickens were sucked into the same black hole as my brother.

Okay, let me explain Luna`s fear of chickens. Two years ago, she got a tarantula the size of a manhole for her birthday, but the school`s chicken tried to eat it. Obviously, the chicken became the main course for the spider, but Luna was freaked out about it. She hated chickens ever since. So, she sent me spiraling down a black tunnel that made my cells shrivel up until I shrunk down into a single atom. Nevertheless, she kept me alive, like a germ. I don`t know how long I fell until a hundred more chickens fluttered down with me. After about a moment, I thought I pass out. I dreamed about never making Luna mad, because this literally taught me a lesson. Then, in a flash of white light more nauseating than Collins`s teleportation, I shot out of the hole, a human again. Then I hit the floor and passed out. In my defense, it was April`s fools. I woke up a while later with Luna fuming down at me. “Sorry.” I said, fearing for my life. “Get up. The next time you do that, I`m going make it a lot more painful for you. Come on, we have events following for the April fools.” Luna said, hauling me up.

So let me explain the events. There were three: dueling, racing, and war. I think you would know what dueling is. It`s fighting one on one with weapons. But racing is harder. We must run about ten miles in deserts, islands, jungles, and volcanos, around Snow fort`s edge. And war games are the best. We get to chose two out of four slabs of land, like the places we run through in racing. We each have a stone pillar that weighs a ton, and the first team to knock the enemy`s down wins. How do we choose the teams? Boys versus girls (duh)! First was the dueling. Just my luck- I had to do it with Joe. He isn`t the best at swords, but he wasn`t the worst. It was fun to have some fun after series of life-threatening events, even if the fun was life-threatening events. I pulled out me sword, and Joe drew his scimitars. Multi-titanium could easily cut through silt iron, but silt iron was fatal to the touch. Joe made the first move. He took out his bow and arrow and shot a flaming arrow right at my face. It I sliced it in half with my sword, then I pulled out a dagger from behind me and threw it, right at Joe`s quiver. Joe`s knew multi-titanium bow deflected it, and finally, we went into short range. I aimed for Joe`s weapon blades, knowing that the blade could break to mine. I cut the straps that held the quiver to Joe`s back and stole the whole quiver. I threw it all at once like a javelin. While Joe was madly trying to deflect all the arrows, I lunged and cut both swords in half. I won.

We chose three contestants for each dueling, and one of ours were already down. It was my turn. Who`s idea was it to enter me in the games? My opponent revealed herself. It was Luna Tews, my sister. Clasher sprang into it`s original form-a spear with a small shield around it. Luna held two small daggers. The whistle blew, and the game began. Luna was faster than I thought. Magic wasn`t allowed, so she used her daggers to form an X. Then she put a shining something-magicae gold dust in a flashlight and aimed it at my eyes. I was blinded for a second, and Luna leaped. She brought her sword point down on Clasher and nearly cut out the shield. Thankfully, I got my eyesight back and pulled away. I pulled out my secret weapon, a pile of multi-magnet, and threw it at her. Now, multi-magnet is a type of flimsy metal that sticks to multi-titanium. The magnets wrapped around the sword until it became a mass of blunt, soft metal. Then I turned Clasher into a javelin and threw it at her sword, disarming her. Then, the sword flew back into my hands, and I finally won my sister.

So, after this and that, dueling ended to a boys win. Then, the racing became a girl`s win. Finally, it was time for the final round. We got the desert and the jungle, and we placed out pillar within the ruins of an old castle in the jungle, wrapped it in vines, and we sent about two people to guard the desert, hiding behind the dunes. We all went into the heart of the jungle. When the game began, Collins and I teleported over into the boy`s control tower and got the location of the pillar. It seemed like cheating, but hey, it`s a magic game. Probably expecting us to come there, Jack was almost the only one guarding the pillar. It was frozen to the ground and looked like a giant slab of ice, but it was the pillar, nevertheless. I was going to keep Jack busy while Collins got the ice, but we were ambushed. About a dozen kids in golden earplugs charged out and began to surround us. Thankfully, the other girls heard the commotion. Soon, it was war, just like the game predicted. However, we were in the middle of the fight when we heard the horns blow. Jack and few of his friends had snuck down there, unwrapped the vines, then took it over. Boys win. So sad. However, this was only the beginning of our troubles. The ice-covered rock exploded into dust, and a strange voice filled the air. Well done, winning you foolish events. The voice rasped. But I believe that you would have more fun with me. I am Gamillion, the strongest sorcerer in the history of the world. Beware the fact that I already lurk in the land of the Scorch. I have an army that outnumbers you a hundred to one. Surrender now, and I may spare you if not, I will destroy your essence. “Uh… no! Get out of here!” Collins yelled. The stones rippled. In the state I am in now, I can not defy your magic. But soon… the voice was sucked away. “Where and what is the land of Scorch?” I asked. “Scorch is a place of evil. It is the birthplace of all malevolent creatures and is only reachable by going into the heart of the Bermuda triangle. The entrance is guarded by Bermuda, servant of Perio. You see, each sorcerer represents something. Perio was wealth. Harrison was speed. Evan is magic, while Joshua is marshal arts or sword fighting. I am speech, as Jacob was space. And finally, Gamillion represents power. The only way to defeat Bermuda and ultimately Gamillion is one of our specialties. Come on, it`ll be fun!”

It was not fun. Bermuda, a huge man with a green beard and blue trident loomed over us in the sky. Our 50 huge warships of multi-titanium and flocks of dragons could not bust through the force field. He had a sphere of water around his head to keep out Collins`s magic. His trident was made of mercury that glowed blue from seawater. And all we could do was ride Luna`s hovercraft and do a staring contest with him. Yeah, fun. I mean, we could`ve blasted him to bits with all our energy combined, but he was protected by Gamillion`s power. Joshua and Evan were flying around him, attacking him, and he was struggling to survive, but he did so anyway. Then Lucca had an idea. He had to throw a lasso around Luna`s cloud and pull up. “I have an idea” He gasped, after reaching the top. “Then say it” Collins prompted. Lucca winced when she spoke, then told us the plan. First, Julian flew off and came back with a giant island in pursuit. Then, the fifty warships and the dragons pushed the Whirlmouth into the forcefield. Bermuda looked down. The huge dragon looked up and roared. It opened it`s mouth and sucked the shield up into the vortex and lunged in Bermuda. He was busy defending himself against a super monster when Joshua and Evan ambushed him from behind and laid waste to the poor trident carrying security guard. Then we slipped past the angry Whirlmouth and into the Bermuda triangle. Immediately we were attacked. You ever hear that every cloud has a silver lining? Well, this cloud was completely silver. Huge chunks of sharp serene silver fell from the sky like hail and drops of liquid serene silver began to fall as rain. The people on the boats all ran below deck. The multi-titanium plated ships were nearly indestructible. But some were on the sky riding dragons. They pulled out titanium shields and used that as umbrellas. The clouds made a wall from us entering until all of us crowded inside the ships. As soon as the thunking and the splashing stopped, we shot out of the basement. We sailed in peace for the next few hours. Finally, we reached a whirlpool big enough for a Shellripper to crawl in. Around it, sharp, jagged multi-titanium spikes jutted out, stopping entry. We couldn`t ram through these unless we used our secret weapon. From the sea, a huge, shining light arose. We had scraped together enough magicae gold to make a huge submarine made completely from it. That much magic was so strong that the spikes creaked and broke down from the mere presence of it. And on it was the Whirlmouth. We saved it from a pod of monstrous shark thingies, and now it serves us. Cool. When the ship sailed through the spikes, they ripped apart and flew off like paper. The ships and the dragons entered the land of Scorch.

The name was disappointing. When you think of ‘scorch’, you probably think about lava and volcanos on black, sharp rock. It was a land of ice-steel. A floor of black diamond with ice-steel shrapnel led a canal of mercury. Sudden bursts of ice-steel erupted from the floor and the canal randomly. The eerie bluish glow of ice-steel sends chills around my back. Lucca pulled out a pencil sharpener made of multi-titanium. “Um… why would you bring a pencil sharpener to a war?” I asked. Lucca grinned. “This is made by Evan. This sharpener can turn any pencil into spears. He pulled out a hello kitty pencil. He put it in the sharpener and turned the handle. A moment later, a sharp pointed pink pencil came out. Then, the pencil turned into a multi-titanium spear. Suddenly, a cannonball slammed into a ship. The ship lurched but stayed afloat. In the spooky light of the ice-steel, we saw the army. Even in the sky, it seemed endless. Thousands of Nunchuckamus lined the front line, behind leaped around millions of Lepusignis, then came dozens of Shellrippers. They were ridden by two mole dragons each. Liquid monsters groaned and roared from all around us. And in front of all of this, riding on a huge coppery snake and carrying a long ice-steel pole with a mace on one side and a spear point on the other was Gamillion himself. He rammed the mace on the ground and sent a wave of cold around us. The ships lurched. The war began.

When I was a kid, like, a preschooler, I thought of war like randomly fighting like whatever they felt like. Real war is way more dangerous. The Whirlmouth swallowed a Shellripper and it`s Mole dragons whole as We formed lines. We first made a shield wall and shot arrows through the tiny chinks. The enemies arrows were fatal to the touch, but we had more power, accuracy, and some of our arrows were fatal as well. Joe led the attack and manned the ballistae, yelling orders for the other archers. Dragons flew up and down the enemy lines, shooting acid and making fiery tornados to wipe down the Nunchuckamus. The fire breathing bunnies, the Lepusignis retaliated by shooting fireballs right at the dragons. Shellripper blasts and fiery bursts flashed the enemy battlefield. Collins glided around the Shellripper ranks, encouraging mutiny. “If you stab your friend`s back, you can get fame!” She promised. The Whirlmouth was very helpful, swallowing up entire legions of monsters and whole Shellrippers. The magicae gold ship in the back disintegrated at the mere presence of magicae gold. Every cannonball it shot had the strength of a nuclear bomb. However, the monsters seemed endless. Gamillion was simply standing there, but everything that ran into him vanished into blue smoke. Even a rowboat that we send disappeared into smoke. Then, our advancing army met land, and the sea battle turned into a land battle. This time, Julian led legions of soldiers into the territory, slashing through the monsters-but keeping away from Gamillion. He finally began to fight. He slammed his mace into our warship-thankfully empty thanks to the land battle-and sunk it in one shot. He then threw his spear like a javelin and tried to stab the Whirlmouth, but the spear was knocked out of the way by Joshua. He and Evan began to fight with Gamillion. This time, Gamillion didn`t trifle with them. His look intensified, and the spear flew back into his hands. Any monster or human closer than a meter of the fighting was slashed, burned, or simply disintegrated. We couldn`t force ourselves into victory like any other war. Gamillion was the sorcerer of power. The army kept growing like a batch of termites, crawling out from the shadows, or hopping out of nowhere. Collins was now in the enemy ranks, cutting threw the army like a whirlwind, glowing with painful light. Occasionally she would yell “Mutiny your soldiers and gain power!” And most of the monsters obliged. Even with the energy of tons and tons of ice-steel around her, the aura of her sword and the ship kept her magic chugging within a ten-meter perimeter. Julian and his troops were going guerilla, stabbing into the army, and melting back into the darkness, with Luna`s help. Then, things began to go wrong. Gamillion yelled and slammed his mace into the ground with so much power that Evan and Joshua was blasted back. He threw his spear at Joshua who rolled out of the way. Then he swung at Evan, who deflected the point with his stick. Then, Gamillion struck again. The mace hit the wooden pole with so much force that it clattered out of Evan`s hand. Why it wasn`t already pulverized was a mystery. But before he could retrieve it, Gamillion raised his sharp spearpoint. I yelled “NO!!!!” and lunged. I tried to stab, but my spear was parried away. Clasher turned into the same weapon as Gamillion`s and we dueled. I struck and he parried. He stabbed at me and I leaped out the way. Before I could get up, Gamillion was in front of me, stabbing. Black diamond cracked and broke like Jell-O. I rolled around, dodging the blows, but it was only a matter of time. In ten seconds, he pinned his feet to my chest and raised his spear. “Pathetic boy.” He sneered. “Your foolishness would kill you and your friends.” But then he was hit by a flash of green light- a blow from a Whirlmouth. Gamillion staggered a few feet, taking a blow that could crumble steel as he would take a light punch. Without even looking, he threw his spear at the creature. For a split second, the spear travelled across the entire battlefield and struck the Whirlmouth, and the monster crumpled into ice. “NO!” I lunged again at Gamillion. I probably would have died if it were not for the ice-steel burst. A blast of blue light came from a chunk of ice-steel on the floor and struck Gamillion. He flew a few inches and was hit by a spear from Lucca`s pencil sharpener. He pulled out the spear and the wound began to heal. But in that time, Evan and Joshua had recovered from the blows and they lunged again. But this time, only Joshua dueled. Evan stayed back; his eyes closed in concentration. The ice-steel lights flickered. Orange light replaced the blue, spooky glow. Orange strands wrapped everything and began to pull. The world began to change. As Joshua distracted Gamillion, Evan had made the scene into a sunny California beach. This distracted Gamillion, and Joshua quickly stabbed him in the gut, his powerful blade flashing. Gamillion roared. He grabbed the blade but quickly snatched his hand away. Joshua`s sword grew barbed spikes, and he pulled it out. Blood gushed around Gamillion, and he fell. But as fast as he collapsed, he stood up again, his wound healed. “Nice try.” He sneered. “But all of your efforts until now only cost me one of three lives!” But in his goading, he forgot that he was still healing. Collins appeared behind him and slashed. He was literally stabbed in the back. He doubled over, but that wasn`t enough to kill him. Evan snapped his fingers, and a huge white tiger appeared from the sand, along with a grizzly and a boar. The animals charged Gamillion. He quickly killed the boar, but he completely turned his back on the tiger. It leaped and bit him on the neck, his claws digging into his arms. He turned and killed the tiger, and nearly got tackled by the bear. He stabbed it in the gut, and it fell, melting back into the sand. Gamillion staggered over to the three sorcerers. The war was unseeable here. The vision was so real, that it was becoming real, Evan`s magic was forming a small beach in the middle of the birthplace of evil. Joshua and Collins took either side of Gamillion. Gamillion should have died, or at least lost a life, but he raised his sword. “Even in this state, I am as strong as the weakest sorcerer, Harrison!” And he lunged. He kept them busy for hours, until he stabbed at Joshua and got beheaded by Collins. But this time, Gamillion didn`t just heal. Blue light wrapped around his body, encasing him in a blue cocoon. When he emerged. He sent a wave of energy so strong that it burst Evan`s magic. He seemed stronger than before. “My final life is stronger than my other lives. This life would give me invincibility for an hour, and I`m using it now!” With that, he lunged. He drew his spear and charged at us. We ran. We ran over to Luna and told her that our entire army needed to hide for an hour. Luna closed her eyes and concentrated. I was thankful that she always took impossible risks and dares-otherwise she would have not done this. A blanket of darkness washed over our ships, soldiers, and dragons, and we vanished. We reappeared at the far side of the battlefield, about two thousand miles away from the other army. Our boats went clank! In the ground. “Whew! That was really was tiring!” Luna said. “We need to wait-” she collapsed and began to snore. “Would she wake up in an hour?” I asked, feeling a bit guilty about making her do this. Lucca, the doctor examined her. “She will be fine within the next thirty minutes.” We didn`t have thirty minutes. Our golden ship exploded as Gamillion teleported into our ranks. He laughed. “You thought that this would stop me?” He asked. I grabbed a piece of sharp shrapnel from the ship and threw it at Gamillion. Joe pulled out a ballistae and covered it in gold spikes and fired it at the faraway army. That ballistae were long-range. That was the only damaging thing we did. The spike bounced off. Oh yeah. He was invincible. We quickly retreated. Then, orange ropes lashed out, binding Gamillion. Black chains wrapped around him. He yelled and struggled. Luna was around him, making chains of darkness out of thin air. Then she did something she didn`t do since she fought Julian in the arena, about two years ago. She made swords of darkness appear in her hands and pointed them at Gamillion, On blade at his neck and a point on the other side. “What is this? I can`t break these chains!” He screamed. “As soon as one hour is up, these blades will cut your throat.” Luna said. Suddenly there was a huge sigh. Gamillion`s skin drooped with his hair. The hour was up. Luna stabbed through the sorcerer`s neck, beheading him. It was gross.

After Gamillion died, the war was a breeze. The Shellripper killed each other (thanks Collin) the dragons burned the gummy bears (thanks Jack) and the bunnies were killed by Julian and his legion (thanks Julian) and unfriendly dragons were cut down, shot down, or choked to death by orange light (thanks Joe, Evan and Joshua) and they say I slept through it all. After I killed Gamillion, I was so tired that I bucked over. I woke up a moment later and the war was over. We went back to Snow fort in victory! Hurray, us!


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