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đŸ»The TribeđŸ»


Book I: The First Battle

“Anyway, let’s get out of here.”, Sam said.

Chapter 15

My idea from ‘getting out-a here’, was very different from Sam’s. As I trotted towards the door, Sam called to me from the other side. I turned around, and saw my friends standing next to the window.

“Why?”, I asked. Sam rolled her eyes.

“We have to jump. Duh. Or we’re gonna get caught. I pressed my ear to the door, and I could hear people talking. I bet a million dollars that those are guards posted outside.”. I pressed my own ear into the door. Sure enough, I could hear muffled voices outside. I sighed.

“Then how are we going to get out?”. It was mostly a self question, but Jack grinned at me, and pointed to the window. I paled.

“What in the rights of gummy bears
 Wait. Are you seriously- WHAT THE BEAR! ARE YOU CRAZY?”. The last part was full of very inappropriate words for children, because right then, Jack jumped off the window sill. I raced over, thinking the worst. A Jack-Pancake? A Jack-screaming-HOLY-FRICK-WHAT-WAS-I-THINKING?! Jack? I looked over the window, and saw nothing. Then, I was partially blinded by a streak of gold, and white. An eagle. A huge eagle. Jackson. And a human riding it. Jack. Jack wasn’t dead. I turned around, and saw just in time for Sam pushing me over saying, “Your turn!”. I fell, and I saw my life flash before my eyes. My childhood
 my elementary
 my- “SPLAT SOUND that actually did not sound”. Instead, I was suddenly riding Moon, Jack, and Sam flying over my head on Jackson and Bellatrix. I turned around, and saw Fern lumbering behind Moon. I had a brief feeling of freedom. But then, Jack yelled(well not yelled because we were running away), “Twelve o’clock! Guard patrol!”. I turned around and saw nothing. I turned around, annoyed at Jack because he said things that scared the living daylights out of me. But then, a voice yelled “HALTtz”. The last part became a gurgle and a “Zzz” sound at once, because in the other direction I had looked, there was actually a patrol. Luckly, Jack fired 4 arrows(that were probably knock-out arrows)that hit all of the guards at once. I turned, as Jack flew next to me.

“Dude. Learn your directions. And be more careful.”, he said. But I could tell he was pleased with himself. I grinned.

“Sure.”. We went through the city, without any more trouble. We did have a situation, when we reached the main gates. There were guards posted on the top of the walls, but they were all focused on the vicinity outside the city walls. Jack dropped down, and tried opening the gates, but he obviously did not have enough power. Me and Sam tried to help, but again, it did not work. Even Moon and Fern tried, but their bear powers were weak, compared to the gates.

“It must take 20 bears to move this thing.”, Jack muttered as we heaved our shoulders against the gates. Suddenly, Sam moved towards Bellatrix. She leaned in close, and came back to us.

“Guys. I think Bellatrix has a way to get us out of here. Jack rolled his eyes.

“Like a cute little dolphin with wings and a horn could do so much”, he said. Bellatrix seemed to glare at him with her brilliant golden eyes. She aimed her horn at the gates, and a rainbow(yes a rainbow)power beam shot out, and made a clean hole in the gates, big enough for a bear. It didn’t even make a sound. Bellatrix turned, and gave, what it seemed, a smug smile. Jack blinked.

“I will never put my hand near that rainbow horn ever again.”, he vowed. We climbed through the Uniphin-made hole, and raced into the darkness.

Chapter 16

We raced through the woods without any trouble. Except for the squirrels at the border stream. I did not know that squirrels were the guardians of the Pack. To be specific, they were small, like your every day, normal, cute furry creatures. However, they were not cute and furry. They were in fact, they were very nasty. They had very disturbing long fangs, and claws that glistened red
 was that dried blood?! But the strange thing was, it didn’t attack.

 how do we, you know, cross without dying?”, Jack asked. I cautiously drew a bow, and fired 2 arrows. The arrows did not go as planned. One arrows flew over the river, but then was destroyed as 10 piranha-like creatures jumped out of the water, and just ate(?) the arrow. The other arrow sailed over their heads, to the closest squirrel. The squirrel tore it to pieces.

“Ookay. So we have to go through piranhas and killer squirrels. This can’t be any worse.”. At which point, alarms sounded throughout the forest.

“Ah, nuts. The Tribe knows that we’re gone.”, Sam said. I turned back to her.

“What did you say?”, I asked. Sam looked bewildered.

“Um, that the Tribe knows that we got out and escaped into the forest?”, she said.

“No, before that.”.

“Er, I said Ah nuts?”, she said.I nodded.

“That’s what we need-nuts”. Jack and Sam looked at me blankly.

“We need to distract the squirrels.”, I explained. Then my friends nodded, like “Yes. We use nuts to distract killer squirrels from killing us. Very normal”. But alas, we had no other ideas. So Jack scrounged around for nuts, and I got my ring to change into a crossbow. It didn’t take that long. When we put a nut into the spot where an arrow should have been, I fired. It didn’t go as planned. All the squirrels lunged towards the nut, which sailed over the river. But then the piranhas had to jump. They HAD to jump. At that second in time. But it worked out. Sort of. As the piranhas ripped the nut to shreds, the squirrels snarled and slid to a stop. But one unfortunate squirrel fell into the river, and became the main course for the piranhas. The other squirrels, enraged, jumped into the river after their fallen squirrel(either they were really dumb or they had a tight bond, I guess the first one). So with only a nut, we got rid of the squirrels, and gave the piranhas a full course meal so they wouldn’t eat us. I jumped in first, and so did Moon, and Fern. The piranhas didn’t even seem to notice. In a few seconds, we were on the other side of the river. For the first, and hopefully last time, we were on the Pack’s territory.


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1 Comment

Apr 07, 2021

oh wow Roy

u must really be into we bare bears

I watched it when I was little, I remember. The little bears are so cute!


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