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After the war, the planet of Wat got a period of peace and prosperity. The empire of the sun had now stretched over three huge dimensions. They had many crops to feed the hungry soldiers, and enough supplies for the empire to eat for a century without having to farm. And because they did, the food supply had grown. If only if history could continue like this...

Joe was going to a playdate with his friend, Ocean. Even though they had fought wars and had superpowers, they were still soon-to-be-teenagers. “Hello?” Joe said as he entered the room. “Come in” said Ocean from his house. As Joe opened the door, he found Ocean in his chair of coral in front of him. He was smirking silently. “What`s so funny?” Joe asked. He looked down and saw a small red dot glowing on his chest. “What is-” He never got to finish his sentence. An enormous white tiger jumped on him. The dot was a laser, and the tiger was the cat. The tiger opened his mouth, exposing teeth like razors. Joe also saw something else. He closed his eyes, fearing the worst. He felt a huge tsunami of saliva as the tiger licked him repeatedly. Ocean had required a pet tiger, and Joe was getting a handful about it. “HEY! WHAT ON EARTH IS WRONG WITH YOU? I LITERALLY JUST WASHED MY CLOTHES!” Joe yelled at him once he brushed the huge feline off him. Ocean was besides himself with laughter, he could barley breathe, much less talk. “Sorry, it was the best prank I could come up with. You should have seen the look on your face. Oh yeah, I can.” He waved a hand and the water around him began to form a face- a face that looked like a clown jumped on him. Joe was fuming. He smacked his fist and the figure dissolved. But once he got over it, they had the time of their lives. They did not have this much fun since they were toddlers. Ocean and Joe tried to over-power the other to gain control of the water fort. They played tug-a-war with Telepathy (tiger`s name) but lost every time (no powers allowed). When it was time to go home, they each exchanged a tree from each of their gardens. But beyond their sight, there were two soldiers. As Joe walked past them, they shot a powerful tranquilizer at Joe. Joe noticed a sting as it hit and saw a needle poking out of his side. He was suddenly filled with drowsiness. He tried to fight it, but the anesthesia was too strong. He collapsed a few feet from the duo. The mysterious soldiers picked Joe up and took off.

“It`s been hours since we saw him.” Sam said, pacing. “Are you sure he left you at the house?” “I am. He left and was supposed to go right here.” Ocean replied. “Then I think that he went missing around here.” Power said. “Then let`s investigate.”

“Nothing… We have nothing” Houston said in disbelief. “No, let me try.” Sam said. He concentrated. He started to see glimpses of the past, the memory of this very soil. He saw the soldiers… Joe collapsed… They went east… they went east! “East” Sam said. “Somewhere in the jungle.” “I`ll get you there in a sec.” With that, he transported them to directly where Sam envisioned. They cautiously trekked through the jungle. Suddenly, they heard a rustle in the in the bushes left to them. Out came a figure. It tackled John, who was right in front of him, to the ground. John transformed into a huge balloon and threw the figure off him. On closer look, the travelers could see that the ambusher was no more than a small boy about only nine years old. He looked more afraid of them than they were of him. Still, they approached with utmost caution. “Hello?” John said. “Are you here to take me too?” the boy asked. The five were confused. “We had never and would never kidnap. But we have a friend who is. Can you help us find him?” Houston reassured. After a few minutes of persuading, they convinced him that they were friends. The boy`s name was James; he had been in first grade in Eagle Eye. He had the ability to create fire, electricity, water, or any other element like that. When Husama struck, he had fled to the jungles and have been there ever since. “That must have been tough.” John sympathized. “So, are you going to help us? If so, then we can let you stay and live with us as one of us.” “All right.” James agreed. The others exchanged looks of achievement.

Joe woke up in the dark, dusty cell. He was bound head to toe, but he could still smell the disgusting smell. “Hey, look who`s finally awake” said a voice above him. On further inspection, he could see he was horizontal. “Who are you?” Joe asked. “We are the soldiers of slave traders. A slave who can do many things at once are very pricy. That is, if we can control him.” Joe was shocked. He tried all his might to break the chains, and with the help of telekinesis, the chains began to break. The guards tried to tranquilize him again, but the bullets froze in midair. He ripped the chains open and glided out of the cell. He dodged the shots as he glided through the air. After hours of flying, he saw six figures below him. “Hey guys!” Joe yelled as he flew down to meet them. They embraced, explained, and they finally figured out the point of all this.

Back in the slave traders place, a general named Scabbard was getting ready to meet the head of the group, a man by the name of Perio the Smart. He was known for being wise and shrewd. He was feared by all who knew him. Scabbard opened the door and went in. He bowed deeply. Then, he looked around. All around him he saw skulls of killed slaves. He saw a stone table which held a single match. “Even the tiniest flame can devour a land. And the weakest slave can earn us a fortune.” Said a voice. Emerging from the cloak behind him was Perio the Smart. He was tall, menacing, and he had a slight touch of laughter in his voice. So far, so intimidating. “I want you to meet the approaching threat. The boy who escaped will bring friends. I want to capture them. And I have a plan…”

Just as Perio predicted, Joe convinced the others to follow him in a battle. But when he reached the place, he saw the place deserted. Even walking for hours in their territory, they found nothing. “I think they all left.” Said Power. “We should come next time.” Just as they turned around, they heard “Fire! “and felt a huge, heavy net fell on them, before they knew what was happening, they were tied up so tightly that they couldn`t even use their powers. Perio laughed viciously. He raised a sword at Joe and said, “We have been expecting you” Then, he saw something that made him stop in his tracks. James was standing on the highest edge and said, “We have been expecting this, too!”, Joe had James go a different route, so they might be saved if they were losing. Scabbard smiled and said. “and take him down, too.” But suddenly, James cocked his head upward and yelled, “pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis!” Almost instantaneously, Telepathy arrived with a huge pack of huge tigers with him. The hundreds of monstrous creatures freed them and destroyed the slave traders. But Perio got away, and there is no telling where he would show up next…


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1 Comment

Jungwoo Seo
Jungwoo Seo
Mar 20, 2021

Ooohhh~ Mysterious..


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