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It was a dark eerie evening in Jurassic Jungle. Then, and huge ferocious roar broke the silence. The call had begun. A huge flock of eagles the size of elephants flew to the call. They exhaled fiery bursts as they went, signaling others to follow. A stampede of bulls three times their regular size stomped through the grass. They had a metal hide and titanium horns. Spikes covering their bodies gleamed as they ran. A pack of wolves the size of tigers emerged from the brush. They had wings bigger than a parachute. Their black pelts rippled as they howled into the night and ran to the call. A group of sabretooth tigers showed themselves. Their teeth dripped with venom stronger than any other creature. Huge, man-eating scorpions tunneled through the ground. They had their claws ready. They gathered around a huge hole. From it erupted a huge snake-like creature. It`s sharp green scales shown in the fading sunlight. From it`s head grew two long horns. It`s tail was spiked with thorns bigger and stronger than a battleship. It was the legendary Mole Dragon, the real one. It was bigger and more powerful than anyone could ever imagined. His name was Ares. “Welcome, fellow friends. I have called you here to discuss the fate of our kind.” He rasped. Murmuring broke through the huge crowd of billions and billions of creatures. “We need more freedom!” Maulldeath, the leader of the wolves growled. “Humans have used us, controlled us, and destroyed us without any payment to us!” Hurricane, the alpha of the eagles said angrily. “I agree. We are being treated like animals, when the truth is, we`re as smart, if not smarter than them!” Megahorn, the king of the bulls agreed. “Since we seem like we are all agreeing, we need to come up with a solution!” Sabermaster, the king of the sabretooths suggested. “How can we fight?” Poisenfang, the leader of the scorpions asked. The five leaders turned to Ares. “I say that we attack the humans in an open rebellion. We out number, out smart, and therefore out match the humans.” Hurricane stepped forward and bowed to the king of all monsters. “But your majesty, how about the four humans with the powers? They are invincible!” “I will take care of them. All four are so powerful they don`t even recognize it. Now lets prepare for war!” The army below him cheered. The king of all monsters was planning on becoming the king of the world.

Joe, John, Sam all stared at the Haunted House like it was a giant piece of fear-instilling object. Houston, on the other hand, was exited that they could finally get to go to their theme park. Because they were busy fighting wars and fighting battles, they didn`t have a moment to entertain themselves. “Lets go in!” He said energetically. “Maybe we could check out the other places first.” Joe said. But Houston had already went in. Sam sighed and followed. John slapped his forehead and followed. Joe was the last and the most hesitating one of the group. After 10 seconds, Joe had enough of this place. He became so anxious, that he accidently ripped the house from the ground and broke it into pieces. “Oops” He said. Sam groaned. “If their was one thing that was good about this situation is that we are finally out of there.” “I`m so bored." John said. He was the youngest and the most vigorous of them all. Unfortunately, entertainment was about to come from all corners, and it was not the kind John was looking for…

“Hey Sam! Did you hear? Our north defense wall was eliminated by a stampede of bulls, our south was ripped apart by wolves, and our west to eagles, and our east to scorpions. Plus, sabretooth tigers are attacking from the forests!” Joe said. Sam immediately stood up. “Sounds like their preparing for a battle. And just when I thought those days were behind us.” Joe took out a map. “I think that they would first attack here and try to go here.” He said as he drew lines. “So, we should cut them off half-way.” Sam said. “Good idea.”

As they expected, the armies regrouped and fought their way to Croaker`s Creek. Then they tried to go to the main fort, but they ran into the human`s army along the way. The two sides fought bravely, but as Ares expected, the humans were out matched. The army slowly began to disappear, until only a few dozen was left. However, the game wasn`t over yet. Sam made huge tornados and lighting to strike the eagles. Joe raised all the bulls into the air higher than an airplane and dropped them with fury. The wolves were each surrounded by dozens of Houston that kept teleporting around and around until he stabbed them with a sword. John transformed into a more evolved creature than his opponent and destroyed them. The scorpions started to die from the earthquakes Sam was sending them. One by one, the creatures started to die off until there was nothing. No humans, no monsters. Just the four people that the world was centered upon. In just a few hours, two huge armies had been massacred. However, another attack, this one stronger than any other army combined were coming this way. Suddenly, the ground in front of the four imploded. Dust flew everywhere. When it all cleared, the four saw a huge creature in front of them. It was the Mole Dragon, king of all monsters. The war was just beginning. “Don`t worry. We can do it.” John said. With that, he transformed into a huge Mole Dragon, nearly as strong as the real one itself. The two beasts roared at each other and started to fight with their horns. As they did, they spat fire and acid at each other two. Sam grew vines that became so strong that they confined Ares for a moment. But only a moment. He broke the binds and spat flaming acid right in John`s face. John choked. As he tried rubbing the acid out, Ares caught him with his horns and flipped him over. He got ready for the fatal stab. But as he did. Joe desperately tried to stop him. More vines grew out to confine him. Joe`s eyes began glowing. Sam`s skin began to shine. The vines grew faster than ever. Houston charged into the vine and managed to hang onto Are`s back. Ares swung his tail and knocked Sam and Joe unconscious. Then he broke the vines off and proceeded to his kill. But Houston stabbed him with his sword. It might as well be a tiny spike, but Houstons body began tingling with energy as he teleported his sword deeper and deeper into Are`s body. Ares howled in pain. Just then, John stood up and bit the evil beast on the neck. Ares died of many wounds, but the world was saved from the same fate.


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So how many parts are you gonna have Juan?

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