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It was just another day in the planet of Wat. The day was typical. The night was normal. No one suspected a thing until they heard a scream on the outpost. A few guards rushed outside, there weapons ready. They saw a young man floating on top of the fort. His eyes were shining white with energy, his skin was glowing faintly and from his feet emitted a beam of red light that kept him afloat. He clutched the throat of a guard. The others cowered in fear. He had a history with this land, and I`m afraid it is not a good one…

“You must draw the power from within!” quoted Sam Vine. He was a tall, young boy, about the age of 13. He had a strange power, the power to control all of nature. After some mild accidents like hurricanes and supercells, he was ushered away to a strange academy. It was called Eagle Eye, for all he could make out. There he met others with powerful abilities such as his own. He made fast friends with two boys his age, Joe Whip, and Houston Blue. Joe had the power of controlling things with his mind, including other minds. Houston had the power to replicate and teleport. “Sam, could you please stop quoting the professors and do the homework they gave us about Plato and Newton?” Joe asked. For him to keep his power sharp, he had to have a strong mentality, and since Joe had a thirst for knowledge, it was not hard to keep up. “No offence, dude, but that was for extra credit. I think you are a little nerdy about all this” Houston said. He was the sports elective, and he needed to keep his body strong and flexible to arrange and disarrange at high speed. Suddenly the ground began shaking. Then the roof ripped off! “Joe, is that you?” Judging from the horrified look on his face, he had nothing to do with it.

Soon, a strange figure descended from the hole. “Husama!” They collectively gasped. They were taught of the evils of this ex-student many times. His skin began to glow more and more, and a ball of energy appeared in his hand. Before he could jet it at the witnesses, Houston jumped at his two friends, and they disappeared into thin air. The trio reappeared on the dining room. “How on Wat did Husama come here?” Gasped Sam. Using his power, Joe floated up the chimney of the room. He was so shocked by what he saw that he gasped half fell the way back. “Another 3 square miles is destroyed” he reported. “Then I guess this is our new home.” Sam said sadly. He snapped his fingers and vines grew out of the ground to make three beds.

After what seemed like weeks in the room, they ran out of food, water, and supplies. Sam made fruit trees and pools appear, but they desperately needed some walls to shield themselves. They looked around the academy, and found John Bell, a boy the age of 10, hiding on an old grandfather clock. He could shapeshift into anything he saw, and his voice changed with the transformation.

“We have to fight Husama.” He said. “Are you crazy? He is the strongest being ever to destroy the planet!” Joe protested. “John has a point, though. I mean, we outnumber him, and we are going to die anyway if we don`t fight him.” Houston said. “Fine. But if we die, I blame it on you” Joe said. “Sam, can you find where Husama is?” “Sure.” Sam replied. His eyes began to glow. He entered the mind of a snake. He snaked through the wasteland and saw Husama on top of the watchtower. “He`s at the north outpost.” He said. Houston teleported them to the watch tower. “HEY HUSAMA!” yelled John. When Husama looked out he was wildly amused. “Well, well, well. I guess I didn’t kill you like I though I did” He snorted. He lunged at them with fire in both hands. Joe raised a hand, and he froze in midair. “Hurry!” he grunted. “I can`t keep this up for long!” Sam clapped his hands once. A cluster of sharp thornbushes rose and trapped the evil being. He clapped again and a tornado rose and trapped Husama in the tight eye of the storm. Houston and John put their powers together. Houston made hundreds of himself while John transformed them into Joe and Sam, reinforcing their binds. It was good that they did because Sam and Joe where wiped out. They sank to their knees and passed out. However, Husama was not ready for this to be over. He let out a booming growl and the binds blasted open. John transformed into a magical sword, and Houston lunged. Houston tried his best, but Husama was far stronger. Then he felt a strong wave of energy behind him. Joe and Sam had woken up, and they were stronger than ever. Joe pushed through the air, and stuck Husama to the ground. Sam froze the air around him and froze Husama forever. “When I woke up, I felt a little tingly. I think all the energy produced by you and Husama helped us.” Sam said. Now, these four were unstoppable. No matter what came, they will be ready for it. They named themselves, the Ferocious Four.

It was a still, quiet night. Sam Vine was keeping watch on Huge canyon. Suddenly, a huge gush of lava erupted from nowhere and filled the canyon. Sam dived behind a tree and watched in horror. He saw a sleigh made from cooled lava pulled by two huge, ferocious dragons. Perched on the sleigh was a man. He held a long pole with the shape of a dragon head on top of it. From it, huge blasts of pure energy appeared, blasting stones out of the way. “What in the world…” Sam muttered. He ran back to the base, where his friends were waiting.

“Hmm… lets see… oh yes I found it. Joe Whip said as he flipped through a huge book. “Ahh. I know him too well.” Joe announced. “who is it?” asked Houston Blue. “His name is unknown, but he is called Emperor Dragon. Said to be able to control dragons, and can conjure powerful force fields and force spears…” “Force spears?” John Bell asked with sarcasm in his voice. “Yep. Said to be made of pure anergy and can cut anything” Joe read. John gulped. “Anyway, he has the biggest army in the universe, made from 9000 dragons and two million tough soldiers, and he only visits a place he wants to conquer. We need to get ready.” “How? We don`t have any army.” Houston said. “We need to recruit some soldiers.” Sam said. “This is going to be hard.”

“Okay, I got eyes on Pota. It`s army is made from half a million men and 30 monster sharks. The leader`s name is Nun.” Sam listed. “Let`s go.” Houston teleported himself, Joe, Sam, and John to the planet Pota. They appeared right in front of the throne room. “Who are you?” Nun asked, startled. His soldiers pointed their nuclear guns at the four. Sam fell to the ground. “great king, we have come to ask of your assistance of your army.” Nun laughed. “Why would I have to give you my army? After all, it is my army.” Then John explained the crisis. “Your highness, if you assist us in the war, we will give you our planet. We and you, and all the others who would help us shall form a government and rule over the vast empire of many planets” Nun stroked his beard. An empire sounded intriguing, but this was risky. “All right.” He said. “I will assist you in all things. However, you must first convince every other planet you need to win for us to help.”

However, the thing that happened there happened in every planet. They now had an army of three million soldiers with 30 monster sharks, and 6oo super zombies. However, while they were out recruiting the soldiers, Dragon had already struck. He had taken over the planet and was now enjoying life. But when he saw the army gathered in front of the castle, Dragon roared with fury. “Those are the fools who took down Husama, my apprentice!” He summoned his army, and the war began. However, the odds were not going in the Ferocious Four`s favor. The dragons tore through the zombies like they were dolls. The shark`s water was burned up by Dragons energy blast, which killed hundreds of soldiers every time. But soon, the 2 million men army was crushed by the 3 million men. However, every soldier in the four`s army was killed or retreated. 8000 dragons surrounded them. They had no way to escape. Sam snapped his fingers and huge tornados wiped through the dragons. Joe waved his hand, and they went flying. Houston replicated again and again and attacked the dragons. John turned into a huge king size dragon and destroyed the rest. Now they only had the Emperor Dragon himself to worry about. He blasted them with force spears and blocked their attacks with force fields. He seemed invincible until Joe saw that he could only make a force field covering half of his body. He told his friends the weakness through telepathy. He and John went to the back of Dragon and the four attacked from all sides. Dragon struggled to block this until he got hit by a energy ball and was knocked down. He grabbed for his weapon, but it was two late. Sam grabbed the pole and blasted him to smithereens.

The four friends ventured through the five planets they got help from and scraped together 4 million soldiers from all of them. Luckily, the leaders were unharmed. They made their government just as promised and ruled with peace.

Sam was going through Dragons palace to find anything that could help build a strong army when he saw a note peeking out of the sleigh. It read,

Dear my brother Dragon. How are you? I hope that our first assault would go nicely. I am writing to let you know that our middle army is ready. 5 million dragons and 40 billion soldiers will be there by next week. Sincerely, White Wolf.

Sam gasped in horror and dropped the note. Apparently their trouble was far from over…

“So, let me get this straight. We need to defeat an army that is 1000 times bigger than us, but we need to handle a huge flock of dragons?!” Joe asked, horrified. “Yep.” Sam said. John did not say anything until… “I have an idea.” “What?” Joe asked. “how?” “We need to sabotage the army. There is one common poison that humans and dragons share. The venom of the blue ringed octopus. I`m guessing that Sam can catch a few. And I can turn invisible. And Houston can teleport me to the camp.” John said. “Great idea! You’re a genius!” Joe said. “Let`s do it!” Houston said.

That night, two figures appeared in the food supply room. “Are you sure your up for this?” Houston asked. “Yep.” John said, trembling a bit. Houston teleported back and John turned invisible. He got out a small vial full of venom. He opened the first box of food. “Yuck. Octopus soup. You couldn`t pay me to eat that.” He said to himself. He was allergic to seafood, and he did not care much for octopus except for the venom that came out of the blue ringed one. He held in a sneeze as he poured a few drops of it into the barrel. He did the same for all the barrels. He only had one left to go… but he accidently tipped a barrel over. The sound was heard from the camp next to the food. Immediately, a dozen soldiers rushed into the room. John had no choice but to fight. Since he was invisible, the soldiers had no way of spotting him. One by one, the men fell to the ground, stabbed by John`s knife. But from all the commotion, a piece of octopus was thrown into the air. John accidently swallowed it whole, and fell to the ground, coughing. A piece of octopus had done what a dozen armed soldiers could not. Since he was nearly suffocating from the allergy, his power went out of control. The last guard raised his revolver, preparing to strike. Before he could, Houston appeared in midair and jumped on top of the solider. John was gasping for air. “Houston, we have liftoff!” Houston yelled. They reappeared on their base. Sam grew a few herbs and helped John breath. Joe moved the octopus from John using telekinesis.

“Guys! Did you hear? Wolf`s army is reduced by 10% of it`s original state! The dragons all died of stomachache, and the soldiers died slowly losing consciousness!” Joe excitedly shouted. “We can win!”

“Not yet. The army still outnumbers us ten to one. We have to plan accordingly to even survive.” Sam reminded him. “That I did. Most of the army would be passing through Ice Island. That is where they think we are, because we always look that way before we run. But Ice Island`s climate is so cold, that they would freeze the moment they step foot there. You should know, Sam, since you’re the one who enchanted it to be has cold as -500 degrees Celsius.” Joe answered. “We just got to meet the soldiers on Jurassic Jungle.”

True to his word, when they finally met Wolf`s army on Jurassic Jungle, they saw that they were not outnumbered. White Wolf himself was the spitting image of his brother, Emperor Dragon, but was dressed differently. He held long, cylinder pole made of diamond, and it`s edge was capped with sharp dry ice that never melted. He was riding a wolf, which was six times it`s regular size, and had armor made from pure ice. “You brats killed my brother! I will make you pay for this!” He roared. “Bill us” Sam answered, and the war began. Sam got head-to-head with Wolf in a heated battle. Sam stomped his feet, and thick vines rose and trapped the wolf that he was riding on. The wolf whimpered as the vines choked and strangled him. Wolf was furious! Not only did Sam kill this brother, his brother`s apprentice, but he killed his pet as well! He raised his pole and a bright beam of light blasted from it. Sam blocked it with lava flowing through his sleeve, but he slowly was overpowered by the warrior mastermind. Thankfully, right before the beam hit Sam, Joe and Houston stepped in. Houston replicated over and over, and he and his replicates stabbed at Wolf with there swords. Joe rose above the ground and trapped Wolf in midair. He ripped of Wolf`s armor and Houston stabbed him. Even though their master had been slain, Wolf`s army wreaked havoc onto the opposing army. Sam created a huge sandstorm to block the army, while Houston replicated into a mini-army, and Joe threw soldiers out of the way. Sam whistled, and hail the size of cows rained down on the rest of the army. Soon, the army was reduced to nothing.

After days of cleaning up the mess Dragon and Wolf made, the planet was as clean as ever. John finally recovered from his incident, and Sam searched the battleground to see if there was any warning still left. However, he was looking in the wrong direction. Miles away, on an island called Ice Island, a huge army resided. The severe cold did not kill them, as Joe predicted, but was stripped of every feeling of humanity, and was planning to take their icy wrath on this planet. They were as tough as yetis, keen as a wolf, and as strong as a dragon. The cold had changed them into monsters.

It was a cold, dusty evening. Sam Vine was collecting icicles to make an ice fort. He was in Ice Island, and the only reason he was there was because he was the only one who could survive the cold. He picked a few from the ground, another few from the cave ceiling, when he heard a roar from his right. He knew nothing lived in Ice Island, so who could that be? He followed the sound. He ducked behind a frozen rock and peered out. He saw two figures, both huge and muscular, looming over the stone. They had sharp claws, glinting eyes, and a thirst for blood. “Come on now, we need to tell Master that our army is ready!” one growled. “They won`t know what hit them. But then again, we are nine times bigger than them. And our mutation would make us invincible!” another boomed. ‘Oh, no’ Sam said to himself. The two beings snapped their heads in Sam`s direction. They had impeccable hearing. One pointed at the stone he was behind, and a purple beam erupted from his fingertips. The stone dissolved into dust. “Say, aren’t you the one who killed our king?” He said. Sam tried to run away, but they blasted him square in the stomach. Sam fell to the floor. His head was spinning. He slowly faded into unconsciousness. But as he fell, a new army rose.

“Ha! I bet you can`t beat that!” Houston said. He and Joe were having a snowball fight, John as referee. Houston had replicated into 40 Houstons and they all threw a snowball at Joe. Joe smiled and raised a hand. “Oh, but I can!” he teased. The snowballs froze in midair. Then they shot right back to their owners! Houston turned back into one, and he dove behind his fort. The snowballs left huge craters on the fort, and it was destroyed. Joe then raised his hand high and dropped it. Suddenly, all the snow got together to form a huge ball, nearly 6m wide. The ball shot at Houston, who teleported away from the avalanche. But he was soon pelted by snowballs thrown by hand. Joe laughed has he threw small balls of snow at Houston. “Joe wins!” John announced. “But I wonder where Sam is…” Joe said. “Yeah, I thought he would be back in the first few hours of the game.” Houston agreed.

Meanwhile, as his friends were enjoying games of snow and ice, Sam sat in a cell of stone and metal. He had been chained together with thick ropes. “I need to get out! With only mice as company… it`s not like I can get the mice to chew away my binds…” Then, Sam realized he could. He entered the mind of the mice and made them chew the rope. After a few minutes, he was free. While their prisoner cut his rope, the guards were playing pat-a-cake. Suddenly, A huge storm started to blow, and the entire cell began to sway. The roof ripped of and flew away Sam flew out of the roof and landed on the ground. He twirled his fingers and an enormous supercell erupted from nowhere and wreaked havoc on the land. He caused a small tunnel to form and jumped in.

Houston was just about to suggest going out looking for him when a hole appeared right in front of him. Sam popped out of the hole and landed on him. “Hi Sam! We were worried about you” He grunted under him. Sam jumped up and said “I need to tell you guys something! There is a huge army nine times bigger than us and it`s headed this way! Plus, those soldiers are practically invincible!” Houston and John exchanged worried looks. “Sam, please tell me you`re overreacting or it`s a joke.” John said. “I`m not- I saw it myself!” “Then enough with the sharing bad news. We need to set out a plan” Joe said. “We could lure them into Catastrophe Cove. I mean, then we can leave it to the Water Creature to handle the beasts.” Joe said. “Good idea. We should do that.” Sam agreed.

The huge army arrived to see four people standing next to each other. The soldiers laughed. Four people were a piece of cake. Houston ran off, his friends following. The army followed them. When they reached a beach, a huge creature shot up from the water. It roared and blasted freezing cold water at them. However, these soldiers were immune to the cold. The huge beast bent down and swallowed a few soldiers. However, when he bent, he was lassoed by thick huge titanium chains. He hit the ground, hard. The remaining soldiers charged at the monster with weapons raised. The monster roared as he was stabbed repeatedly. However, the head they killed was the one of three huge, furious heads. The remaining brains growled and emerged from the water. It was nearly as wide as the whole army! The monster kicked and bit. But the defensive army was not going to give up. They lassoed and stabbed the rest of the heads and turned to face the four again. They still had 50 million soldiers left. Suddenly, a arrow appeared out of the trees ahead and stabbed a solider in the heart. Creeping out of the thick brush was thousands and thousands of crossbows. They shot and reloaded themselves at high speed. The soldiers roared in agony every time the arrows hit. Joe was controlling them all. From the waves to their left, a tsunami formed and rushed towards them. However, all the water pressure was targeted at the army. Then Sam made yet another attack. The remaining soldiers were only the tough ones. They used purple energy to blast the arrows coming at them and to stop the water from crushing them. Then, a giant mole monster appeared from the ground and swallowed the soldiers. John had turned into a Mole Dragon, the legendary king of all monsters. Houston replicated repeatedly until he surrounded the whole army. He teleported everywhere, making it impossible to find him. He started to pick them of one by one until there was only one left. The general, Taterick Furvine. Taterick was eight feet tall, incredibly powerful, and outnumbered. John turned back into a human and Houston returned to one person. Joe pushed Taterick to the ground and Sam put a sphere of water around his head. Taterick suffocated, unable to breathe the water. The planet was truly saved.


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