Sometimes, at my math academy, there were some things that happened that were "interesting". I'll tell you about the times people got busted for stuff.
Phone Girl
Onto things, there was this girl who was really smart-in-the-wrong-way, but after 20 minutes of break time, she got like every question right. Me and my friend busted her. This happened when we went to get a snack downstairs (there is a c.u there) but we forgot our wallets so we went up again and nobody was there except for the girl, who was holding her phone in her hand and was writing on the textbook with a pencil. Pretty suspicious, right? Since I wasn't the ha-I-caught-you-cheating-going-to-tell-the-teacher-goody-2-shoes person and I had nothing against that girl, (I actually wanted to do that too, I thought that I was going to DIE because of stupid textbooks) but my friend tattled cause of some unknown reason.
Book Boy
Furthermore, a boy in my math academy was smart, but he was not that patient. So every time he got frustrated with a question, he asked to go to the bathroom. Turns out, he was actually going to the book store and copying the answers *gasp*. My teacher realised this because she was a good teacher. Ex) You can't solve question B without question A, Book Boy gets B right but A wrong. BUSTED
I heard the teacher shouting at him when I was waiting for my brother to finish his lesson.
So yeah, that was it.
I'll keep you posted when another person gets busted.