Mike(?) test 1,2,3. Ok let's do this.
‘Sup minemen and not minemen. I am very sure that you did not hear me saying mike test 1, 2, 3 which definitely did not happen. Now, onto real business. I think this blog would be similar to last time when I made my blog. Last time, I just did a weird story of me writing an experience about being confused. But today, I’m going to talk/write about the topic, something! Yay. It’s gonna be really *cough* fun. So today, I just hated today. I just hate Mondays. Fridays are much better. I woke like, really early in the morning and I finished my *very important-2-life* homework and I just realized that I had to go physically to my academy, so I was almost late...which would have been very bad for obvious reasons. I know that the things I wrote so far are lame, but look, it's late in the night and I'm tired because you know, stuff… and something. Honestly, I have 2 things on my mind right now. One, I need some ideas. Two, I need to find a perfect picture to represent this blog. So to solve Problem One, I need to go on “Operation Mom, HELP!” So this operation took like, 20 seconds and my mom said to write my vacation in Jeju island. So basically, I did nothing there, except go to a Snoopy Museum. All I did there was walk for 2 hours and take like, a thousand pictures which my mom called “special experiences”. The only good thing was me getting a snoopy doll which is really fluffy and soft…. Holy freak dude, I already wrote almost 300 words! Well, before I go do my other homework, I want to add some stuff. First, I heard that there was a new student called Harry. Harry, if you're reading this, welcome to a class famed for craziness and fun. Also, I hope I didn’t miss anything important last Wednesday. I'm only gonna do week 7’s day 1 HW so, I hope it’s okay. Anyway, my mom’s yelling at me to stop typing so umm, see you soon(?)!
(so to clarify this blog for homework for Saturday, it's just about me writing about nothing in particular. I was just writing stuff that was in my mind :) hope u enjoyed!)
