As I mentioned in my last blog, I now know that my P.E teacher is unfair.
The girls had PAPS running today and the boys had to wait patiently, but they did a thing called running inside the track where the girls are running! I mean seriously, that's so out of common sense. It goes in our GRADES, so I see this as banging pots and pans together in the middle of a quiz.
Worst part? The P.E teacher didn't even tell them to back off AND when the boys were running last time, the girls weren't even allowed in the gym. So, girls needed to run with 6~7 boys flanked behind/right next to them. No offense to Bear, Dolphin, Henry, Juan, Harry, Ryan, Mr.P, and Sihoo, but other boys can be really stupid sometimes.
My friend was like really mad and instead of measuring her partner's laps, she marched to the boys and screamed in their faces, which seemed like the most appropriate thing to do, although I had to measure her partner's laps as well and it was sorta hard. And for my PAPS score (why do I keep on typing PAPA?), I got like, I think 86 or 88. I can't remember that much cause I was so tired.
In conclusion, there's this smart killing-people-with-facts guy whos's in my class who always complains that my homeroom teacher prefers girls, but he should really think about why she (my hr teacher) does, although I don't think she does. And I learned 1 very important thing in school today which is sorta out of topic but still very important advice: Do not trust 5th graders with drills.
Well, this was it for my blog. See you on Saturday!

No offense to Bear, Dolphin, Henry, Juan, Harry, Ryan, Mr.P, and Sihoo, but boys can be really stupid sometimes.
Wats the point of saying nooffense when it IS offensive
thats wone of the things I hate most
It`s okay, but I was really mad for a second.
uncool, Joyce.
did you intentionally leave me out?