There was once a mad scientist named Marcus. Marcus worked for 100 years to discover space
traveling. He worked so hard that everybody in his neighborhood called him “the mad old scientist”. Marcus was so ashamed of this and pledged to himself that he will eventually discover space traveling today. His mind was greater than Einstein and other historic figures, but he couldn’t only get recognized by other people. One day, a thief went inside his home and put acid on a special cup and left a memo that it was actually water. After 50 minutes passed, Marcus came to his home. He saw a cup on his table. He thought that it was room service and drank the water with no idea. As he drank the water, he disappeared. With no evidence, no footprints. Marcus felt unconscious. He felt dizzy and also quite giddy. He was in some sort of dimension. Marcus finally woke up from this unconsciousness. He saw himself and got freaked out because he was on a 2-dimensional planet. He was so panicked, but he also concentrated where he wanted to go. He wanted to go to Mars. Suddenly, he went to Mars and he was happy. However, the thought of happiness vanished by a second because he couldn’t breathe. He thought about Earth. He really wanted to go to Earth. However, this time, he didn’t go to Earth that quickly. He traveled at the speed of light times 1000000. He was so fast that his ears and eyeballs almost got pulled out. He saw all the things in the universe. He saw the Milky Way, and other various planets that he ever dreamed to look at. He finally went to Earth. In his home, he drew all the things he saw. He was surprised at the object that he drinked and drinked it again. This time, he brings his camera. He clicked the button and went straight back to Earth. He also got a Grand Nobel Prize. He became so happy and made more of the special drink. He made tons of them and became a trillionaire.