I watched this movie before Peai on Saturday, andI have to admit, it was pretty fun(if you are a Marvel fan I recommend watching it).
First, the movie’s plot. If you watched the last spiderman movie, Far from home, you would know that the villain was Mysterio. But, as it happens, a guy working for him manages to escape(the same guy in the first ironman movie, who says, “...I am not ironman sir”), and makes a fake video of making it look like mysterio was the victim and spiderman the villain, by making it look like spiderman was the one who controlled the drones, and killed mysterio. This video also reveals the identity of spiderman; peter parker. So long story short, this really messes up Peter, MJ(his girlfriend), and Ned(his best friend)’s lives. They can’t get into MIT because of bias. Peter decided to fix this by going to Dr. Strange. Dr. Strange casted a spell that would erase the whole world’s memory that he was spiderman. However, during the spell, Peter is like
“Wait, can’t some people know?”
doctor strange: “That’s not how the spell works, and stop talking”
Peter: “Well, um, what about MJ? Oh, and my best friend ned!”
Dr. Strange: “Ugh, fine”
Peter: Wait, um, what about May? I really don’t want to get through the fact of her realizing I’m spiderman.”
Dr. Strange: “STOP TALKING”
Then surprise surprise, the spell explodes, but Dr. Strange barely manages to hold it down. But then, some weird things happen. Villains come out. But not from this universe. As you probably know, there are 3 spiderman series(not counting Miles Morales's Into the spider verse), Sam Raimi’s Spiderman Trilogy, Mark Webb’s amazing spider man, and the newest, John Watt’s spiderman. If you haven’t watched the first 2 Spiderman movies, I would advise you to watch a short video that explains their storyline before watching No way home. There are exactly 5 villains in no way home. The green goblin, doctor octopus, Lizard, and sandman. The green goblin, Sandman, and doctor octopus are from the spiderman trilogy movies, and Lizard and Electro are from the Amazing Spiderman movies. I really thought that vulture, rhino, and scorpion would appear in this movie, but they didn’t… Anyway, Dr. Strange tried to return them to their own universes, but Spiderman-you know what I’ll call Tom Holland spiderman, Andrew-whatever his last name is spiderman flashy hair, and tobey-something spiderman 2. Anyways, Spiderman 1 didn’t want them to die(again, watch the other 2 movies), so he wanted to cure them. But Dr. Strange refused, and they fought in a mirror dimension Dr. Strange made, and in the end, Spiderman won through math equations. DUN DUN DUN. Spiderman 1 tried to cure them, and could have succeeded but being villains, they wanted more power, and escaped. SPIDERMAN 1, YOU COULD HAVE AT LEAST PUT SOME CHAINS ON THEM GEEZE. NEVER TRUST A VILLAIN. Anyways, Aunt May dies in the process, and has some heartbreaking moments about the line you have all heard of in EVERY spiderman movie, “With great power comes great responsibility”, which, FYI, all the spiderman heard it on the day one of their aunt or uncle died. So long story short, spiderman 1 meets spiderman flashy hair and spider man 2, with the help of MJ and Ned. Then they have some heart warming talk and end up curing all the villains. But spiderman 1 faces Green Goblin, who killed Aunt May, and punches him in the face like a thousand times. The guy didn't even get a black eye! Incredible! Spiderman 1 tries to kill green goblin, but spider man 2 stops him, and gets stabbed in the back by green goblin, which messes everything up, seriously. But the green goblin gets cured, and Dr. Strange, who escaped thanks to Ned using Dr. Strange’s ring to create a portal, presses a button to send the other characters to their own universes. But sneaky sneaky, green goblin threw a bomb inside the button(?)’s case(before he was cured), and when Dr. Strange pressed a button, the spell contained inside literally ripped apart their universe, with every single character in the other universes coming through. But spiderman 1 asks Dr. Strange to make every single person forget the identity of spiderman, because, well, that was the whole reason why this was happening. Dr. Strange does that, and everything goes back to normal, except for people forgetting who he was(including his best friends), and his aunt may, being dead. Spiderman 1 lives his life, and keeps on being your friendly neighborhood spiderman. TMI, the room that Peter Parker rented for his home, looks exactly(kinda) like the room in the PS4 spiderman game. Also, he makes a brand new shiny suit! So… kind of a happy ending. And this blog will have an abrupt ending.
The End
