So, we were doing zoom and practicing our speeches for debate
We were doing zoom and Henry went out
we were doing zoom and Ryan went out
We were doing zoom and Bear kept on getting muted every 5 secs
We were doing zoom until the time went out
We were doing zoom again with me host
We were doing zoom and Stella kept on getting muted
We were doing zoom and bear wanted donuts
We were doing zoom and it was getting crazy
We were doing zoom and we tried to find the ghost of mutes
We were doing zoom and bear claimed that someone was cursing him and that he needed backup.
We were doing zoom and I was trying really hard not to laugh cause bear was like“I need some Ba*mute*” and “AGGGGH*mute*”.
We were doing zoom and bear also claimed that I was hacking into his computer (cause I wasen’t getting muted) and was screaming his head off whenever stella was getting muted, so I muted him ;)
#If you are confused#
For some reason during zoom, Stella and Roy after everyone else except me, Stella, and Roy (Opp debate team) went out, they kept on getting muted. Like I said, 5 secs. It must have been driving them crazy, but to me it was hilarious, especially in Bear’ case.
