Ok, so I recently joined a book club. Actually, it’s kind of like an academy.in Korean it’s 논술. It’s actually pretty fun but the thing is, the first book that we read was SHAKESPEARE. SHAKESPEARE!!! Who our age reads SHAKESPEARE??? It’s so boring and it’s always like,” oh, romeo! Tis’ just us! Where thou shall we escape to?” UHHHHH!!!! I mean, it’s so gross and cheesy. Who reads stuff like this? So boring. These days, kids are into comic books, COMIC BOOKS, you hear me???no one reads Shakespeare at our age! Who likes that kind of stuff? It’s so old timey and classy! The book was called “Merchant of Venice”. The next book that we have to read is not Shakespeare but The Merchant of Venice was horrible. The theme is “oh! I think my friendship is better than my life!” and the characters want to put their life in danger for each other.and that's another reason why i hated Wednesday wars. Who reads Shakespeare!!!???? Holling loves Shakespeare and all, but I have made my point clear. I HATE Shakespeare. it is the worst. Of course, Shakespeare is really famous and all, but I still don’t like his books. (no offense, Mr. Shakespeare!)

Romeo and Juliet is not a love story. It's a 3day relationship between a 16-year old and a 14-year old that ends up with 3 people dead.
Yeah, I hate Shakespeare
i had to read hamlet, king leo, osfrvweqfewv4tvwverfw