Once upon a time, there was a sea kingdom named Atlantica. Many marine animals lived there. And of course, there was a king named Stonik.
Stonik did not like sharks. They were always distracting to him. For example, when he was doing an important meeting with his servants, a shiver(pack) of sharks came in and distracted them. Even though the king gave many warnings and various boring speeches, it only went for a day or so. It happened every day! And the sharks seemed to enjoy it. Stonik first thought they were doing it for fun.
Another day, when Stonik was greeting the king of another ocean kingdom named Marinus, the king decided to leave a good image on the kingdom. The kings stood in front of each other, greeting each other. That moment, the shiver of sharks rushed out of the underwater castle, disturbing the two king’s meeting. Seeing that, the King of Marinus left and the news of the incident spread to other empires. Stonik became mad for ruining Atlantica’s image just because of their prank.
Stonik usually did nothing, but this time, he thought the sharks needed the punishment. He talked with his servants and they decided that they should give them physical punishment so they won’t even have power left to move around and mess with the king’s business.
Finally the next day, Stonik made a spell and made them keep moving around, and if they didn’t, he made them not able to breathe. He also restricted the places the sharks move around. After the decision, the sharks didn’t disturb Stonik with important things ever again.
And that is why sharks have to keep moving. They got a spell as a punishment so that they can’t breathe if they don’t move!