I am tired of other people arguing over the winner of the class, blah, blah, blah. I am now going to write my version, and make it a bit more realistic. Since (sadly) I am no longer part of this class, I will play referee, not a fighter. As you can imagine, I will make this war the most violent as possible.
So, enjoy this glorious blood shower.
As I can see, these are the animals.
Ryan (Lion)
Sihoo (Owl)
Jake (Dolphin)
Emma, Julia (Dog/Puppy)
Henry (Cat)
Brian (Snake)
Jen (Human)
Joyce (White Tiger)
Roy (Bear)
Stella (Horse)
First round: Lion vs. Bear
The lion is classified as a big cat. It hates the water. However, the bear spends lots of time in the river, catching salmon. The bear slowly backs away from the lion. The lion follows. The bear turns and runs to the nearest river. As the lion hesitates, the bear charges at it with all it`s ferocity and power. The poor lion gets trampled.
Owl vs. snake.
The snake hisses and arches it`s back. It hates birds, which can be both prey and predator. Thankfully, it is a king Cobra, which means that it is rarely prey. The owl makes the mistake of wandering to close to the cobra. BITE! bye, bye owl.
Dog vs. Dog (Emma vs. Julia)
The two dogs are in a faceoff. One dog ( Emma`s dog) is a playful little chihuahua. The other is a fierce, powerful Caucasian Shepherd. Needless to say, the chihuahua is well.... destroyed.
Dolphin vs. human.
This is a match of brains. The dolphin is quick to calculate "Water... drown... human!" How ever, the human is busy trying to spear the dolphin with a wet stick. The dolphin grabs the stick and pulles with human under. GLUB. RIP.
Cat vs. White tiger.
The tiger brings the little kitten to it`s mouth. CHOMP!! bye, bye, cat.
SECOND ROUND: Horse vs. Bear.
The bear lumbers over to the horse. The horse begins to run away. The bear grabs it`s back legs and breaks them. The horse has fallen.
Snake vs. Dog.
Dogs are the natural predators of snakes. However, when faced with a three meter long king cobra with venom dripping from it`s fangs, even the Caucasian Shepherd falters. and by falters, I mean dies.
White tiger vs. Dolphin
The white tiger doesn`t want anything to do with the water. However, all cats like fish, eh? And the cat is not smart enough to know that dolphins are not fish. With eager hunger, it leaps into the water, bites a chunk out of the dolphin and swims back and throws up. Dolphin blubber is gross.
Third round: White tiger vs. Bear.
The tiger is white, but it can blend in. The bear walks right past without noticing the white tuft of fur. The tiger leaps from the bushes and practically rips out the bear`s intestines. (eww... was that gross? I just meant that it bit at the bears stomach)
snake vs. White tiger.
The snake is fast, the snake is deadly, the snake is... too small. The tiger`s fast and strong reflexes dodge the first bite, and then brings it`s claws down to the snake`s throat.

YES!!! I win!!!
still no space unicorn. am disappoint.
gods did i get ripped to shreds by joyce? i mean, i thought the animals would fight on a field or something
your right, I`ll admit, but the cobra had the element of surpirse. It was daytime, you see, and the owl was sleepy.
even cobras usually lose to owls, many professers agree to i