We all have an ancestor. We go up that line, and most of you may expect a chimpanzee or so. But who we really end up to is a fresh, boned fish. How is that possible?
Not many people realize this important fact about fish. They are the ancestors of all four-limbed back-boned creatures of Earth. It’s obvious why this transformation seems impossible. 99% of the fish today have delicate fins formed of a series of thin spines covered by a thin web of skin, and it seems impossible for those fins to turn into limbs. But the ancestors of us are a far more foreign type of fish. 420 million years ago, the bony fish evolved into two types. Those with flimsy ray-type fins like the fish today, and those with more hard and firm bones that are attached with a single strong bone even in the fins.
At first, those lobe-boned fish far outnumbered the ray-finned fish. But as soon as the lobe-boned fish started adapting to life in the water, global climate change caused a mass extinction, devastating the fish population. After the catastrophe, the ray fins recovered and far outnumbered their bony cousins. But the lobe-boned fish never recovered. Fortunately, a few lucky survivors in the shallow made their way to land and evolved into every four-limbed backbone creature ever to live on Earth.
So, telling somebody that they are a fish is no wrong statement. Because in the end, our ancestor were bony and lucky fish.

Fish, owls, dogs, bears, dolphins, and every creature is relataedd by microorganisms
That would be true. We are all fish - even a pet dog or a bear. I am not sure about dolphins though...
Does that mean that Hagrid can say, "Harry, you're a fish." and that would be correct??
*Mind Blown*🤯🤯🤯