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Being awkward

Hmm so this is going to be a bit different of a blog post, but try to understand because this was the only topic I could think of on short notice, and as you may know i'm not good with thinking of these things. Ehh anyways today I am going to talk about awkwardness and how I make a fool of myself by being awkward in everyday life.

Now, i'm sure all of us have experienced awkwardness before, whether it was from another person or just ourselves. According to the dictionary of whatever (I was too lazy to go to the reference section of the Wikipedia page, okay?), it means: causing or feeling embarrassment or inconvenience. In my opinion, I think this fits perfectly with the situations in my life.

For example, imagine you are in a friend's car, getting a ride to the academy you both attend. The friend's mom suddenly turns her head slightly in your direction, keeping her eyes on the road, and asks in 'that voice' how your day was, how are things at home, bla bla bla the whole enchilada (comment if you got the reference there). And all you can do is reply in a small voice that it was fine and smile awkwardly, trying your best too keep a calm expression while the brain cells in your mind are slowly getting deleted.

I hate being in these situations so much, but there's a reason people always think twice before saying "It can't get any worse than this, can it?". Unfortunately, it can, and let me move on to the type of awkwardness that happens to me the most in life: talking to people.

Now, don't get me wrong. I like talking with friends if I feel like I know them enough and they aren't going to pull a gun on me. But when the situation comes when some person I don't really like or someone I don't know well comes up to me and tries to talk, my mind goes blank, my brain cells are deleted, and the world crumbles around me.

Another thing I would like to mention is the occasional surprise spotlight some cruel teachers decide to shine on the students who they think aren't paying attention. This scenario probably happens to a lot of you:

Teacher: Now can anyone tell me what the answer to this question is?

*looks around and spots you doing some thingamajig*

Teacher: (insert name here)? Could you answer the question?

You: *says the right or wrong answer*

What you answer the teacher in this situation affects the response. if you actually get it right, the teacher will probably say something like 'Good job', but you and all your classmates know that he/she is actually disappointed they didn't get to humiliate you. If you answer wrong, their most likely response will be "Now class, this is exactly why you need to concentrate in class, because something something something". Your mind basically tunes out whatever they're saying because you don't care.

Phew, well at least this blog post is over. Took me forever to write, wasn't worth 45 minutes of my time, but was actually kinda fun. Anyways, hope you enjoyed, and I will be back next week with another random post.

*insert MrBeast outro here*

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1 Comment

Isaac Seo
Isaac Seo
Dec 19, 2019

I get the joke

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