I want to erase the Korean but I can't so sorry. I am going to talk about the good and bad things about the thinking bull. The thinking bull is a math academy that I think you probably would know. I know 3 people in our class that goes to bulls. So when I first went in to bulls I had a stereotype of it being hard and stressful. It went like everyone in the room saying "oh my god were in the bulls that picked 200 people out of a 1000!!!"There were 4 levels and I was in the lowest, prime. At first it seemed hard but after finishing 4-2 I leveled up to advance and it was fun. The problems started to become more interesting and I got more friends. The tests were also easy during the end so even if I did not study a lot a got a 85 and things were happy until the middle school evaluation test. (P.S. bulls has a very slow pace because I am doing middle school 2nd grade math at bulls and I should be doing high school math by now. Also thats why my mom is sending me to another math academy to go faster). Anyways I had to study for 3 months to take the eval test and thank god because I leveled up again. YAYYY. So now I am in Essence and I made 2 friends last year and I am pretty much really close to them now. Bulls is not that great like it is told except of bulls having little HW
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i u s e d t o g o t o b u l l s b u t i d o n t n o w h a h a
Interesting stuff.
I don't want to go to bulls though.
I don't know myself. Probably because of a lot of stereotypes that I'm not supposed to believe.
I know. Silly me