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Christmas And The End

Updated: Dec 27, 2019

Everyone, the year 2k19 is nearing its end, and so is our life as Keller Lincolns (don't take it the other way, like I don't mean we're dying, im saying the life as a 5th grader is nearing an end so relax we're not dying)

Thanks for making me feel very not lonely too (oki you can cringe I just didn't know what to say so I just said thank you honestly I don't really mean thank you and like no offense yes thank you, but no not like thank you

fine you probably don't get what I'm saying and I don't too so anyways let's move on)

and merry Christmas!!!!!!

YEEAYEAAYEAAAAAA Christmas is the happiest time of the year yoohoo <3 hohoho Merry Christmas I just love Christmas like literally more than my bd!

Letz survive as a team in 6th grade yea i hope we really survive (oki you can cringe i just didn't know what to say so I just said lets survive but I don't like mean it mean it, so nonoono don't take it that way I'm not saying we shouldn't survive but i just didn't know what to say sooo like you know just to sound professional and touching hoho lol wow what am I saying)

P.S. I got 12 scrunchies from Santa hohoho also im so bad at TikTok like my arms are so stiff and they don't move very well and I have 30 scrunchies now yeayyy sorry i brag a lot hohohoho itz ok you guys know me so you probably don't care oh my gosh what am I talking about lol

Also follow me on insta mine's private for obvious reasons but I need more followers and I posted today and my frend stole my phone and she spammed on stories but whatever just follow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Luv ya (no boys-- i don't date) guyyssssssssssssssssss letz survive in sixth grade hohohoho

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