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💝Dear, MeFromThePast💝

Updated: Dec 27, 2019

Dear, Jenna one year ago

I am writing this letter to give you advice, now that I have lived one more year than you, have one more year worth of wisdom than you. When you first came to fifth grade PEAI, you imagined everything would be the same and happy, extremely excited to meet your new friend Irene, and Sooin thinking of the Fiery Balloon days. This stopped when you saw your first homework, to write a 300 word essay, which was about the longest assignment you were ever given. The assignment made you think, “If someone gives me a 300 word essay for homework on the first day, I can’t even imagine how much homework I’ll be getting on my last day!! The teacher must really be trying to get us!!” Then, when you got to PEAI, you realized that you had a test to memorize the definition of vocabulary words, literally word by word. By then, you were petrified of the dark road ahead of you and thought you had come to a dead end. So apparently, you were half correct on homework, there was A GIANT JUMP IN THE AMOUNT OF HOMEWORK which basically you can think there’s twice the much as homework from fourth grade. But don’t worry, you’re soon going to find out you’ll be only writing 6 essays throughout the entire year. On the other half, turns out Patrick Teacher was a pretty nice and hilariously hilarious person, so no, he was not so cruel as you thought he would be. Still, act very wisely and don’t underestimate him because Patrick Teacher is a strict teacher, and sometimes he could be as scary as he could be. If you miss a tiny bit of homework, you get an F, and would find yourself with mad Patrick Teacher in the interview room, saying “I am incredibly disappointed in you, I did not expect this behaviour from you.” Therefore, make sure you do your homework and everything, but as long as you don’t put yourself into any trouble, I can guarantee you an awesome fifth grade waiting ahead of you. Good luck and hopefully fifth grade turns out to be brilliant for you, because it was for me.

P.S. We’re having a party in the present days.

Sincerely, Jenna a long time later (X-mas 2019)

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