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Dear, mefromthepast

Dear, Isaac from 1 year ago,

You're pathetic. You're sick, mentally unstable, and an absolute loser. You just got a 70 on LITERALLY the first day of 5th grade. You hate yourself, and just want to go into a hole and never come out. Adding more to that, you even got one of those note things on your homework from Patrick teacher, saying that you have to work a little bit harder. Disgusting behavior. Meanwhile, on other academies, you're cracking under stress from other academies and homework. You're just a lazy idiot, who will fail in life if you don't get it together.

Oh, who am I? It's obvious isn't it, just read the bottom of this letter. Your dad would have scolded you for asking such a unintelligent question. I was just like you, screaming your head off when you cracked under stress. Even now, I'm under all the problems you have, plus, some other problems such as not sleeping at all. Oh you want know how hard fifth grade really is? Well, consider this, PEAI is a light and amazing academy than the torture you will have to go through in a year. Also, Patrick teacher isn't one of those old grandma teachers that constantly demand perfection and proper for. He just wants you to try your best. Stop complaining you did your best. I've been in your exact position before, and that homework is just sloppy. You should work harder, and also remind yourself that the Vocabulary Workshop test demands the exact definition in the textbook. Also, make your homework as much fluent and expressive as possible. Not in that rigid, stone-like way you do your homework. Also, Pewdiepie lost to T-Series and he also got married. Ray teacher also got a kid. Didn't expect that, did you? Be excited for town hall game at the end of the year, and borrowing some books from PT will relieve part of your stress because those books are extremely entertaining. Just remember to not screw up. It's okay to be nervous, and the only part of fifth grade that's not disgustingly tiresome is going to PEAI. Just remember to donate some money to Teamtrees later, Bye vomit boy!!

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