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  • Writer's pictureIrene


Dear me from the past,

I am writing this letter for my kind and generous advice for your PEAI life. I know you were really nervous in your first day of fifth grade PEAI. You leveled up to M, and poof! All your friends were gone. Therefore, I understand completely why you felt nervous, but sorry for you, it was nothing to worry about. Sure, you thought you had no friends. However, all the girls that will be sitting besides you will all turn out to be great friends that you can really enjoy spending time with. Since you were concerned about almost everything, I should cut some of my advice, and move on straight to the teacher part. You thought that your teacher would be a mean teacher that would give out tons of homework. However, the teacher will turn out to be a nice and playing teacher. I know that you feel a tremendous amount of gratitude since I solved all your big problems, but now I will tell you things that you didn’t expect at all. So first, about Debate. You didn’t ‘like like’ debate that much, probably neutral, but who knew that you would fall in love with debate? Eventually, you end up getting a bronze medal for debate competition, and don’t worry; the reason that you didn’t get first prize wasn’t you or your teammates’ fault, it was the judge’s. Not only that, but you also end up joining in a competition that is held all over the country, KYDC. Second, you opened your eyes to the new world of google docs. Before now, you were locked in a world with notebooks and pencil marks and sore arms. Welcome to the world of computers! Starting with your new gmail address, you became addicted to google docs and computers! Last thing, quick answers to your excited imagination for fifth grade. About activities, the answer is positive. You will do lot of new and amazing activities. I mean, your imagination didn’t possibly reach the line of making T-Shirts and selling them. About holidays, the answer is negative. You thought that hopefully you would get to play all the time in Halloween, or watch a movie in summer or something. However, it was similar to fourth grade. But don’t be so disappointed, you would do a lot of fun activities which will cover up all your sadness for your gone holiday. In conclusion, you will have an fantastic PEAI life in fifth grade, so there is nothing to worry about. You can start your first PEAI day with a big smile now that you know all those things. I hope you have a great fifth grade!!

From, Irene in the future of December 27th of 2019

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Dec 24, 2019


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