Everyone in KL seems to be interested in talking about discomfort (maybe it's supposed to be famous meme I don't know why), so today I decided to talk about my pet peeves, which obviously give me discomfort. Also obviously, fingernails on chalk-boards are one of my pet peeves, but I decided to focus on other pet peeves since that one is way too popular.
Discomfort 1. People writing on white boards that aren't fully erased
Once when I went to summer camp this year, our teacher started to write instructions on a white board that wasn't cleanly erased. This bothered me lot apparently, because for one I couldn't read the words easily and I reallllllly wanted to tell the teacher to erase the lines in between since she didn't mind at all. I kept on focusing on the weird lines next to it, and it felt like when you had a book and you couldn't read because a lot of the words were faded away. I can't really describe the feeling but you'll see what I mean.
Discomfort 2. The sound of person with a stuffy nose
KKKRRhhhhh, ssmmpp, CEEEOOOOOOOWWWW, MHHHHAAAA, are the main sounds that people make when they have a very stuffy nose, because they try to breathe with their mouth instead, which causes a lot of noise. Even if the sound is a microscopic sound, it gives me discomfort, it gives me annoyance, and it gives me (big) unpleasantness. I think it is also partly because you can relate to that discomfort of actually having the stuffy nose, and the sound is kind of similar to a fart.
so yes those are my pet peeves so comment down below your pet peeves and what gives you discomfort and so bye ;->
hear hear