So originally I was going to write a post on this really big test I had at my math academy, but thought of this at the last second and figured it would be a better topic.
Getting that out of the way, let me talk a bit about Domics. Domics is an animation Youtuber, like the Odd1sout or Jaiden Animations. He is from the Philippines, and moved to North America when he was 7 (from what I remember). His full name is Dominic Panganiban, and he made a whole video titled 'Last names' talking about his last name and how people would mess up saying it and stuffs like that. It's a really fun video, I recommend watching it when you're free. Anyways, I will be explaining 2 reasons why his videos are amazing, and my absolute favorite video he has released so far.
I. The Faces
In my last post, I made it pretty clear I like funny faces in animation (eh hem). Well, Domics is an animator who won't hesitate to make me laugh with all of the faces he draws. He illustrates them very well, and along with the voice acting, the combination is absolute perfection. Now, since I can't exactly describe what the faces look like, you'll have to see them for yourself by going over to his channel and checking them out. Two videos I recommend are 'Cashiers' and 'Last Names'.
2. The Scripts and Collabs
I wanted to make 2 separate sections for these, but neither do I want to waste time writing it, nor do you want to waste time reading it. The reason I like the scripts are because of similar reasons to the faces. The combination of the two things are perfect, and they are also relatively funny. Another thing I like about Domics is all the collaborations he does. He invites his friends and sometimes other animators like JaidenAnimations to do something called Hypotheticals. It's basically a 'series' where they think of a possibility or a thought. I recommend the videos 'The Wagyu Program' and 'Elevators and Rewinding Time'.
I mentioned this before, but my favorite video of his is titled 'Last Names'. He talks about his last name, Panganiban, and all the troubles that come with it. I like this video because of the amazing script and illustations, but he also has a part where he talks about being jealous of people with low-count syllable last names. He said: "Koreans, I'm looking at you, with your Kims and Parks and Lees". He also explains some funny things about other people's last names.
I'm sorry this post became so long, but it doesn't matter because I don't care (well kinda but not really). Check out Domic's channel, and thanks for sticking till the end.