I know Niki also wrote about this but I will too. Her facts tend to be true but there is more to be added. Intelligent people aren't always the ones considered to be the best at all subjects though that is often the case. It also is directed to people who make wise choices and have pure talent in some subjects and make nice moves.
1) Intelligent people are good at sports
This fact is true. Some sports have numerous rules. Let me fix this- intelligent people are good at understanding the rules even if they cant play well.
2) They are funny
According to Advita Bihani highly intelligent people tend to have great intelliegence. A great number of scientists also agree on this fact. They also have a good tasts or rather take in dark jokes. I don't like dark jokes but I don't consider myself as without humor. However, there's more to being intelligent so...... Yeah... Sad life
3) Self control
Smart people tend to have slef-control. They can control their anger and emotions better than others. I have to admit I'm pretty bad at this but well... yeah I'm working on it. So people without much self control have a solution of throwing a bunch of punches