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#girl drama- a lesson about life

Here's the thing. Not all things turn out the way you wish they would. Don't learn this the hard way like I did. I've been talking about how there was this girl that was stealing a girl of our clique. It really annoyed us and we really hated her. (She broke up with her second boyfriend again!) Anyway, our friend seemed to rarely play with us anymore. It's sad but here's the thing. Don't cling onto something impossible. You need to let go.


She had come to our school this year in fifth grade and she'd been a part of our clique ever since. Why? Because we were the most welcoming. That's the only reason behind it. Her actions had always been so fake towards me and she left me out in a lot of things. Not a lot of people dared to do that. Still, I was close friends with a majority of kids in our class so that wasn't a problem. The thing is that friend didn't belong with us from the start. -THE END-

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1 Comment

Dec 12, 2019

Well THAT'S very......... sympathetic..

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