Emma had a big smile on her face as she skipped to her classroom with her friends. Tomorrow, she would watch a new movie with her BFFs. She just couldn't wait for today to pass and tomorrow to come. But, as usual, school dragged on and on for hours and hours. Even though school was boring normally, today was even more boring. After the first hour ended, she walked up to her friends and giggled. They were excited for the movie too. Suddenly, one of her friends asked if they could meet somewhere more close to her house. Emma's BFF rolled her big eyes and shouted at the girl. It ended to a girl-drama involving crying and teachers and hatred.
This is an actual event that happened to me today. So there is Emma(me), Emma's BFF(Sunny), and the other friend(Cherry). Like I explained, Cherry is really, really, sensitive and she cries for little things, such as not getting some more food in lunch that she likes. But that isn't the reason that she cried. SHE HAD HOPED THAT THE OTHER KIDS WILL GIVE THAT FOOD TO HER. OMG. SO SELFISH. And like I said, she asked if we could meet more closer to HER house. OMG. And then Sunny just shouted at her. But I had to admit, Sunny ways MEAN. That's why they talked to the teacher, blah blah blah. AND GUESS WHAT........ CHERRY CRIED IN THE TEACHER'S ARMS!!!! OMG. We were so annoyed by her. Seriously, who cries for THAT??????? Cherry is SUCH a drama queen. Anyways, this is the girl drama that happened to me. Bye!! Cya today!!