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Girl Drama's Not Over Yet <3

Oh my gosh, so I thought I would be over with this giant girl drama thing that's been going on ever since the start of March, but I guess I was too hopeful (I mean I sactually like girl drama cuz it's suppa duppa interested and means the teacher gathering all the girls in the middle of class so we can discuss it, but yea no drama also means a peaceful life)

As I wrote about a couple of times in my previous blog post, there's a sassy-head that I hate, and there's another really sensitive and girly and show-off girl.

Girl: Look at this! A Tiffany necklace! It's pure gold! Do you know how much this is? I'm so elegant!!!

Me and other girls: Ummmmmmmmmmm....

Girl: Oh you have a necklace too! Probably not as fancy as mine... Where did you get it?

Me and other girls: Ummmmm.... Tiffany...

Girl: (next day) Look at this Tiffany necklace!! It's pure diamond!!

Me and other girls: Ummmmmm... FINE UR RICH!!!!!!!!!!!

(give the eyecontact of WTH IS WRONG WITH HER???)

Right before 1st semester ended, she was in this group of three and now that I'm friends with those 2 girls, I know what happened. Basically,

Girl: I'm uncomfortable with one of you guys! Because I'm nice, I won't tell you who but I have been disappointed with one of you. I'm sorry, but we just can't continue in our relationship as best friends (LITERALLY!)

Now that you know her personality, I'll tell you what happened. So me, Serene, Jiiiiina (DK her name in english), and KYUNgmIN, went rollerskating last week. My mom was supposed to pick them up at the playground, and that annoying gurl saw them!! ( not me cuz i was in d car)

Gurl: Wactcha doin??

Kids: just hangin out

Nothing rly happened, but she was clearly jealous. We were roller-skating and eating ramen when DING, that gurl texted KYUNgmIN (K)!!

her: U guys still playing

K: Yea...

her: Just can't believe you betryed me...

K: Umm I don't think I've done anything wrong.. Are you mad?

her: NOt mad exactly

her: but true I'm disappointed

(US ALL THINKING: Well the last time we invited you to our playdate, you were like "I think I don't belong in this group.. Your code doesn't suit my style..." and said you would never play with us!! WTH)

That's it for today, that girl just drives me crazy!! What the heckheckheckheck!!!

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1 Comment

Isaac Seo
Isaac Seo
Dec 12, 2019

Oh christ it's not over!!!!

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