All of you have probably at least heard of Harry Potter & Wings of Fire. They are similar and different in many ways.
First, there is humor. Harry Potter has plenty of humor, even in the darkest times. Even when Voldemort(a.k.a. You-know-who) was being very evil, the Weasley twins joked about it and made a product called U-No-Poo. They also made Skiiving Snackboxes, Reusable Hangmen, Muggle tricks, Edible Dark marks, Love potions, Pygmy puffs, and a lot of other hilarious joke stuff that almost flew off their shelves. Similarly, in Wings of Fire, Qibli joked about how Winter thought the enchanted mountains(Darkstalker's teeth) would eat him even though they had a legendary,evil, murderer animus NightWing(Darkstalker) to destroy a few hours later.
Another topic is popularity. Harry Potter was written years and years ago. It was a big hit and movies and websites( were also made. It is likely to become a legendary classic like the Narnia Chronicles in the next century or so. However, Wings of Fire will probably not rise to such heights, sadly. It may be popular, but it will not become a legendary classic series for the next generation.
Wings of Fire Quiz!!!!
The Dragonet Prophecy
1. How does Tsunami escape from the chains in the cave?
2. What is the color of Sunny's eyes?
3. Why does scarlet eat the scavenger?
4. Who is Clay's mother?
5. Name all of Clay's sibs.
on a seperate post.
I will post the answers now