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Writer's pictureSihyun Lee

I have nothing to write about (This is my hw post not some other thing)

Have you ever had that situation when you open up your computer for writing your blog post, but have absolutely nothing to write about?

Well, if you haven't, it's either that i'm weird or you are, take your pick. Hmm. Anyways, this is exactly what it sounds like. Over the months, I've had several occasions where I open the blog, click the 'Create new' button, and just stare at the screen blankly for 5 minutes. I have nothing going on in my head, and then I lean against the most comfortable surface I can find, feeling stupid.

It's at these times when I consider writing a post on this very topic right here, but decide not to because I had another random idea. Hey, wait a minute-

I just thought of something to write about...

Eh, who cares, i'll save it for next time. As I was saying though, I get ideas from nowhere and just write on the blog about it. Today however, I am feeling extra brain-dead and I just want to get the day over with so Friday can start. Anyways, today I will be telling you a couple tips on how to decide what to write about.

#1. Look around or something, I dunno

This is one I use a lot. When I don't have anything to write about, I just swivel my head around in all directions until I find something that catches my eye. This is fairly simple, but it doesn't always work. When this happens, I resort to option number 2.

#2. Wait a while before writing

I don't do this very often, but it's effective when it wants to be. In fact, this is a case where it happened, except I actually started writing about this topic before waiting. If you don't have any ideas on what to type on that blank screen of yours, waiting a little while before trying again. Your brain might form new ideas in that time, you never know.

This is just a small tip. If you're writing and think of another thing to talk about in a future post, write it down ASAP. I don't know about you, but for me, I can forget the simplest things in the matter of seconds. writing things down is a good way to remember for next time.

Welp, anyways, that's it for today. I have to go out to practice my jump rope for the sports test tomorrow, so I'll just be leaving it here. Feel free to use any of these tips if you need, and I'll be back next week with another random post.

*insert MrBeast Outro Here*

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Isaac Seo
Isaac Seo
Dec 05, 2019

*trying to maintain a complete expressionless face*

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