Another fun day of Blog! So today, I'm going to talk about my phone. See the picture above and tell me you don't see something weird. Well of course you can't talk to me because you can't talk to me through the screen. But, come on seriously my phone is a little 'cray-cray' today. My phone is so different from other phones! Well, of course normally it's similar, but today, it was too much. Look at the picture again! How can you not be stressed???!!! I don't know what in the world happened to my phone. But when I asked the guy who repairs things, he fixed it in like 10 minutes. so it became fine again. However, 1 day later it happened again! I was walking across the sidewalk, and when I looked in the phone again, it was black again! It was almost the same as the time before. However, the difference was that the first time, it was black on only the top. Now, it covers the whole screen. And I was like "WHAT!!!!!" in my mind, making the home alone dude's horror face and screaming 'AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" in my mind on and on and on. And then I ran to my house told my mom, and she said we will fix it again. But still, even two days have passed, and it became worse and worse and worse. I am so stressed right know! I mean how am I supposed to read through my messages when it's pitch black!?So if you agree with me please press the like button or leave a comment~
Yeah here u go this will cheer you up
OMG!!!!! This is CRAZY!!!
this will cheer you up:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eY52Zsg-KVI