Ryan was supposed to be the ruler of Africa wilderness, but ran away to live a new life. He looks proud and brave but is actually pure.
Apeach is half gender( half male, half female). Apeach ran out of the tree he/she was born when she/he learned that fact, too ashamed. He's butt and big eyes fascinate people.
Jay-G was a mole trying to capture Muzi to helped the king's disease. He needed the rabbit's liver, but failed a lot of times because of Con. In the search, he became naturally interested in the outside world.
Tube is a nice duck, but changes into a mad duck when he is faced with extreme terror, and he wears fins because of his complex of small feet.
Muzi was actually a Danmuzi( the chinese yellow stick food), but decided to be a rabbit, so he started to wear a hoodie. He always has his friend Con to save him.
Neo is a cool cat who was sad because of her ugly hairstyle. However, she evented a wig to wear, and she is obessed with it. She thinks Frodo is cute, but a bit too nosy.
Frodo is a rich dog who was bullied by no-pure blood dogs. He is in love with Neo, so he wanted to propose to her, but fails every time. He is still trying.
b u t w h a t a b o u t c o n
Hi Irene I kinda changed ur post... just the name colors... hope u r ok~